Christian und Dr. Hella Bartsch)
a) wissenschaftliche Originalpublikationen (O):
1. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Jain A.K., Laumas
K.R., Wetterberg L. (1981) Urinary melatonin levels
in human breast cancer patients.
J. Neural Transm. 52, 281-294.
2. Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1981) Effect of melatonin on experimental
tumors under different photoperiods and times of
administration. J. Neural Transm. 52, 269-279.
3. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Flüchter
S.H., Harzmann R., Attanasio
A., Bichler K.-H., Gupta D. (1983) Circadian rhythms
of serum melatonin, prolactin and growth hormone in patients with benign and
malignant tumors of the prostate and in non-tumor
controls. Neuroendocrinol. Lett.
5, 377-386.
4. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Flüchter
S.-H., Attanasio A., Gupta D. (1985) Evidence for
modulation of melatonin secretion in men with benign and malignant tumors
of the prostate: relationship with the pituitary hormones. J. Pineal Res. 2,
5. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Flehmig
B. (1986). Differential
effect of melatonin on slow and fast growing passages of a human melanoma cell
line. Neuroendocrinol.
Lett. 8, 289-293.
6. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Noteborn
H.P.J.M., Flehmig B., Ebels
I., Salemink C.A. (1987) Growth-inhibiting effect
of crude pineal extracts on human melanoma cells in vitro is different from that
of known synthetic pineal substances. J. Neural Transm.
69, 299-311.
7. Noteborn H.P.J.M., Bartsch H.,
Bartsch C., Mans D.R.A., Weusten J.J.A.M., Flehmig
B., Ebels I., Salemink
C.A. (1988) Partial purification of (a) low molecular weight ovine pineal
compound(s) with an inhibiting effect on the growth of human melanoma cells in
vitro. J. Neural Transm. 73, 135-155.
8. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Fuchs U., Lippert
T. H., Bellmann O., Gupta D. (1989)
Stage-dependent depression of melatonin in patients with primary breast cancer:
correlation with prolactin, TSH and steroid receptors. Cancer 64, 426-433.
9. Noteborn H.P.J.M., Weusten
J.J.A.M., Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Flehmig B., Ebels
I., Salemink C.A. (1989) Partial purification of a
polypeptide extract derived from ovine pineal that suppresses the growth of
human melanoma cells in vitro. J. Pineal Res. 6, 385-396.
10. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Lippert T.H.,
Gupta D. 1990) Effect of the mammary carcinogen 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene
on pineal melatonin biosynthesis, secretion, and peripheral metabolism.
Neuroendocrinology 52, 538-544.
11. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Gupta D. (1990) Tumor-inhibiting
activity in the rat pineal gland displays a circannual rhythm. J. Pineal Res. 9,
12. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Bellmann O., Lippert
T.H. (1991) Depression of serum melatonin in patients with primary breast cancer
is not due to an increased peripheral metabolism. Cancer 67, 1681-1684.
13. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Schmidt A., Ilg
S., Bichler K.-H., Flüchter
S.-H. (1992) Melatonin and 6-sulfatoxymelatonin circadian rhythms in serum and
urine of primary prostate
cancer patients: evidence for reduced pineal activity and relevance of urinary
determinations. Clin. Chim.
Acta 209, 153-167.
14. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Simon W.E., Flehmig
B., Ebels I., Lippert
T.H. (1992) Antitumor activity of the pineal gland:
effect of unidentified substances versus the effect of melatonin. Oncology 49,
15. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Flüchter St.-H.,
Mecke D., Lippert T.H.
(1994) Diminished pineal function coincides with disturbed circadian endocrine
rhythmicity in untreated primary cancer patients: consequence of premature aging
or of tumor growth? Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 719,
16. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Mecke D., Lippert
T.H. (1994) Seasonality of pineal melatonin production in the rat: possible
synchronization by the geomagnetic field. Chronobiol.
Int. 11, 21-26.
17. Karasek M., Marek
K., Zielinska A., Swietoslawski
J., Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1994) Serial transplants of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced
mammary tumors in Fischer rats as model system for
human breast cancer: 3. Quantitative ultrastructural
studies of the pinealocytes and plasma melatonin
concentrations in rats bearing an advanced passage of the tumor.
Biol. Signals 3, 302-306.
18. Anisimov V.N., Zhukova
O.V., Labunets I.F., Bartsch H., Bartsch C.(1995)
The inhibitory effect of light deprivation on N-nitrosomethylurea-induced
carcinogenesis and on the growth of transplanted tumors
in rodents: possible involvement of the pineal gland and the immune system. Exp.
Oncology 17, 47-54.
19. Bartsch C. (1995) Letter to the Editor (Hepatic hydroxylation of
melatonin in the rat is induced by phenobarbital and 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene
- implications for cancer etiology.) Experientia
51, 1000-1001.
20. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Buchberger A., Rokos
H., Mecke D., Lippert
T.H. (1995) Serial transplants of DMBA-induced mammary tumors
in Fischer rats as model system for human breast cancer: IV. Parallel changes of
biopterin and melatonin indicate interactions
between the pineal gland and cellular immunity in malignancy. Oncology 52,
21. Bartsch C., Seeger H., Mück A.O., Lippert
T.H. (1995) The effect of estradiol
on the production of melatonin in postmenopausal women. Int.
J. Clin. Pharm. Ther.
33, 401-403.
22. Praast G., Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Mecke
D., Lippert T.H. (1995) Hepatic hydroxylation of
melatonin in the rat is induced by phenobarbital and 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene
- implications for cancer etiology. Experientia
51, 349-355.
23. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (1996) Letter to the editor. J. Pineal Res.
20, 173.
24. Karasek M., Dec W., Kowalski A.J.,
Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1996) Serum melatonin circadian profile in women with
adenocarcinoma of uterine corpus. Int. J. Thymology
4 (Suppl. 1), 80-83.
25. Mück A.O., Seeger H., Bartsch C., Lippert
T.H. (1996) Does melatonin affect calcium influx in human aortic smooth muscle
cells and estradiol-mediated calcium antagonism? J.
Pineal Res. 20, 145-147.
26. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Karenovics A.,
Franz H., Peiker G., Mecke
D. (1997) Nocturnal urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin excretion is decreased in
primary breast cancer patients compared to age-matched controls and shows
negative correlation with tumor-size. J. Pineal Res.
23, 53-58.
27. Bartsch C., Kvetnoy I., Kvetnaia
T., Bartsch H., Molotkov A., Franz H., Raikhlin
N., Mecke D. (1997) Nocturnal urinary
6-sulfatoxymelatonin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen-immunopositive
tumor cells show strong positive correlations in
patients with gastrointestinal and lung cancer. J. Pineal
Res. 23, 90-96.
28. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Bichler K.-H., Flüchter
St.-H. (1998)
Prostate cancer and tumor
stage-dependent circadian neuroendocrine disturbances.
The Aging Male 1, 188-199.
29. Hoffmann H., Dittgen M., Hoffmann A.,
Bartsch C., Breitbarth H., Timpe
C., Farker K., Schmidt U., Mellinger
U., Zimmermann H., Gräser T., Oettel
M. (1998) Evaluation of an oral pulsatile delivery system for melatonin in
humans. Pharmazie 53, 462-466.
30. Körner W., Hanf
V., Schuller W., Bartsch H., Zwirner
M., Hagenmaier H. (1998) Validation and application
of a rapid in vitro assay for assessing the estrogenic potency of halogenated
phenolic chemicals. Chemosphere 37, 2395-2407.
31. Müller W.A., Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Maidonis
I., Bayer E. (1998) Hormonal factors from the mammalian pineal gland interfere
with cell development in Hydra. Int. J. Dev. Biol.
42, 821-824.
Müller W.A., Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Maidonis
I., Bayer E. (1998) Low-molecular-weight hormonal factors that affect head
formation in Hydra.
Int. J. Dev.
Biol. 42, 825-828.
33. Anisimov V.N., Kvetnoy
I.M., Chumakova N.K., Kvetnaya
T.V., Molotkov A.O., Pogudina
N.A., Popovich I.G., Popuchiev
V.V., Zabezhinski M.A., Bartsch H., Bartsch C.
(1999) Melatonin and colon carcinogenesis. II.
Intestinal melatonin-containing cells and serum melatonin level in rats with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced
colon tumors. Exp. Toxic. Pathol.
51, 47-52.
34. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Buchberger A.,
Stieglitz A., Effenberger-Klein A., Kruse-Jarres
J.D., Besenthal I., Rokos
H., Mecke D. (1999) Serial transplants of
DMBA-induced mammary tumors in Fischer rats as a
model system for human breast cancer. VI. The role of different forms of tumor-associated
stress for the regulation of pineal melatonin secretion. Oncology 56, 169-176.
35. Bartsch C., Szadowska A., Karasek
M., Bartsch H., Geppert M., Mecke
D. (2000) Serial transplants of DMBA-induced mammary tumors
in Fischer rats as model system for human breast cancer: V. Myoepithelial-mesenchymal
conversion during passaging as possible cause for modulation of pineal-tumor
interaction. Exp. Toxic. Pathol. 52, 93-101.
36. Bartsch H., Buchberger A., Franz F.,
Bartsch C., Maidonis I., Mecke
D., Bayer E. (2000) Effect
of melatonin and pineal extracts on human ovarian and mammary tumor
cells in a chemosensitivity assay. Life
Sci. 67, 2953-2960.
37. Cos S, Alvarez A., Mediavilla M.D.,
Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Sanchez-Barcelo E.J. (2000)
Influence of serum from healthy or breast tumor-bearing
women on the growth of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Int. J. Mol. Med. 5,
38. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Deerberg F., Mecke
D. (2001) Seasonal rhythms of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) excretion in female
rats are abolished by growth of malignant tumors. J.
Pineal Res. 31, 57-61.
39. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Seebald E., Deerberg
F. Dietz K., Vollrath L., Mecke
D. (2002) Chronic exposure to a GSM-like signal (mobile phone) does not
stimulate the development of DMBA-induced mammary tumors
in rats: results of three consecutive studies. Rad. Res. 157, 183-190.
40. Girgert R., Bartsch C., Hill S.M., Kreienberg
R., Hanf, V. (2003) Tracking the elusive antiestrogenic
effect of melatonin: a new methodological approach. Neuroendocrinology
Lett. 24,
41. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (2006) The anti-tumor
activity of pineal melatonin and cancer enhancing life styles in industrialized
societies. Cancer Causes Control 17,559-571.
42. Kröz M., Zerm
R., Reif M., von Laue H.B., Schad
F., Büssing A., Bartsch C., Feder
G., Girke M. (2007) Validation of the German version
of Cancer Fatigue Scale (CFS-D). European J Cancer Care, 1-9.
43. Bartsch C. (2010) Light-at-night, cancer and aging.Aging
(Albany NY), 2(2), 76-77.
44. Bartsch H., Küpper H. Scheurlen u, Deerberg F., Seebald E,
Dietz K., Mecke D. Probst H., Stehle T., Bartsch C. (2010) Effect of chronic
exposure to a GSM-like signal (mobile phone) on survival of female
Sprague-Dawley rats: modulatory effects by month of birth and possibly stage of
the solar cycle. Neuro
Endocrinol. Lett. 31(4), 457-473.
45. Bartsch H., Mecke D., Probst H., Küpper H., Seebald E.,
Salewski, Stehle T., Bartsch C. Search for seasoanl rhythmicity of pineal
melatonin in rats under constant laboratory conditions: spectral
chronobiological analysis, and relation to solar and geomagnetic variables.
(2012) Chronobiol. Int. 29(8), 1048-1061.
46. Bartsch H., Mecke D., Probst H., Küpper H., Seebald E.,
Herget I., Peschke E., Salewski, Stehle T., Bartsch C. Longitudinal melatonin
production in female laboratory rats during 1997-2006: possible modulatory
effects of changing solar activity. Current Aging Sci. (Suppl.)., in press.
b) Fort-/Weiterbildung bzw. Übersichtsartikel (F):
1. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Lippert T.H. (1991) Bedeutung der Zirbeldrüse bei Reproduktion und gynäkologischen Tumoren. Geburtsh. u. Frauenheilk. 51, 1-8.
2. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Lippert
T.H. (1991) Melatonin und chronobiologische
Aspekte von Krebs. Münch. med. Wschr.
133, 113-116.
3. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Lippert T.H.
(1992) The pineal gland and cancer: facts, hypotheses
and perspectives. Cancer J. 5, 194-199.
4. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Lippert T.H. (1995) Rationales to consider the use of melatonin as a chrono-oncotherapeutic drug. In vivo 9, 305-310.
5. Bartsch H. (1995) Biologische Rhythmen – Bedeutung für Schwangerschaft, Geburt und das Neugeborene. Dtsch. Heb. Zschr. 1/95, 3-6.
6. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (1997) Die
Bedeutung des Melatonins bei malignen Erkrankungen. Wien. Klin.
Wschr. 109, 722-729.
7. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (1997) Pineal gland and cancer: An old
concept with potential for the future. Neuroendocrinol
Lett. 18, 63-72.
8. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Karasek M. (2002) Melatonin in clinical oncology. Neuroendocrinol. Lett. 23 (Suppl. 1), 30-38.
9. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (2007) Die Bedeutung des Melatonins in der Wechselbeziehung zwischen Zirbeldrüse und Krebs – eine Übersicht mit neuen Resultaten. Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig – Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Bd. 64 Heft 4: Endokrinologie III. E. Peschke (Ed.), Hirzel, Stuttgart/Leipzig, 139-174.
10. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Peschke E. (2009) Light. melatonin and
cancer: current results and future perspectives. Biol. Rhythm Res. 40, 17-35.
c) Zitierbare Abstracts (A):
1. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Flüchter
St. H., Harzmann R., Bichler
K.-H., Gupta D. (1982) Serum melatonin and cortisol rhythms of patients with
benign and malignant tumours of the prostate. Neuroendocrinol.
Lett. 4, 176.
2. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (1985) The
biochemical events in the pineal gland during development. Neuroendocrinol.
Lett. 7, 152.
3. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Flüchter
St.-H., Attanasio A., Gupta D. (1986) Melatonin
rhythms in prostate cancer patients: effect of operation and hormone treatment.
J. Neural Transm. Suppl. 21,
4. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Flehmig B. (1986)
Effect of melatonin on human melanoma cells in vitro. J. Neural Transm.
Suppl. 21, 490.
5. Flüchter S.H., Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Attanasio
A. (1986) Pineal melatonin and pituitary hormone rhythms in patients with
prostatic cancer and in controls. Urolog. Res.
14, 165.
6. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (1987) Melatonin rhythms in human cancer
patients. Neuroendocrinol. Lett.
9, 306.
7. Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1987) Unidentified pineal substances with
anti-tumor activity. Neuroendocrinol.
Lett. 9, 307.
8. Ebels I., Noteborn
H.P.J.M., Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1987) Effects of
low molecular weight pineal compounds on neoplastic growth. Neuroendocrinol.
Lett. 9, 288.
9. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Gupta D. (1989) Effect of induction and growth
of mammary tumors on pineal melatonin biosynthesis
and secretion in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Neuroendocrinol.
Lett. 11, 280.
10. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Gupta D. (1989) Seasonal variations of
endogenous defence mechanisms against cancer. Neuroendocrinol.
Lett. 11, 281.
11. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Lippert T.H.
(1994) Pineal melatonin secretion in human cancer patients and interaction with
other endocrine glands. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on
Melatonin: General Biological and Oncoradiological
Aspects. I.M. Kvetnoy,
R.J. Reiter (eds.), Medical Radiological Research Center,
Obninsk, Russia, 8.
12. Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1994) Anti-tumor
activity of the pineal gland: melatonin and beyond. In: Proceedings of the
International Conference on Melatonin: General Biological and Oncoradiological
Aspects. I.M. Kvetnoy, R.J. Reiter (eds.), Medical
Radiological Research Center, Obninsk,
Russia, 26-27.
13. Drozdovskiy B.J., Garbuzov
P.I., Kvetnaia T.V., Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (1994)
Nocturnal 6-sulphatoxymelatonin secretion in patients with benign and malignant tumors
of the thyroid gland and non-tumor controls (preliminary
report) In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Melatonin: General
Biological and Oncological Aspects, I.M. Kvetnoy,
R.J. Reiter (eds.). Medical Radiological Research Center,
Obninsk, Russia, 47.
14. Medvedev V.N., Garbuzov P.I., Kvetnaia
T.V., Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Raikhlin N.T., Perevoschikov
A.G., Davydov M.I., Stilidi
I.S., Timofeev Y.M. (1994) Changes of nocturnal
excretion of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin in patients with lung and stomach malignant tumors
after operation (preliminary report) In: Proceedings of the International
Conference on Melatonin: General Biological and Oncological Aspects, I.M. Kvetnoy,
R.J. Reiter (eds.). Medical Radiological Research Center,
Obninsk, Russia, 77-78.
15. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Flüchter St.-H.,
Lippert T.H. (1995) Tumor-stage
dependent depression of the circadian amplitude of melatonin in patients with unoperated
primary breast and prostate cancer is connected with disturbances in the
secretion of prolactin, TSH and growth hormone. The
Physiologist 38, A-32.
16. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Deerberg F., Mecke
D., Lippert T.H. (1995) Circannual rhythms of pineal
melatonin production in female rats are abolished by growth of malignant tumors.
The Physiologist 38, A-27.
17. Seeger H., Mück A.O., Bartsch C., Lippert
T.H. (1995) Effect of melatonin on depolarized human aortic smooth muscle cells.
Menopause 2, 261-262 (P32).
18. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Rokos H. (1996) Neopterin
and melatonin levels in patients with benign hyperplasia or carcinoma of the
prostate. Pteridines 7, 41.
19. Kvetnoy I., Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Kvetnaia
T., Medvedev V., Raikhlin N. (1996) Melatonin and
proliferative activity of tumours: successful combination of immunohistochemical
and radioimmunological methods for definition of
prognosis in humans. Acta Histochem.
Cytochem. (Japan) 29 (Suppl.), 304-305.
20. Bartsch C. (1997) Modulation of diurnal pineal melatonin secretion in
cancer patients depending on type and stage of malignant disease. Cancer
Biotherapy 12, 413.
21. Bartsch C. (1997) Synergistic modulation of melatonin and immune
parameters in rats with serial transplants of experimental mammary tumors
are accompanied by differential reactions of the
autonomic nervous system. Cancer Biotherapy 12, 413-414.
22. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Mecke D. (1997)
Lack of effect of a chronic three-week exposure to a pulsed high-frequency
electromagnetic field on the diurnal urinary excretion of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin
in male CD-rats. Cancer Biotherapy 12, 414-415.
23. Buchberger A., Maidonis
I., Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Franz H., Bayer E. (1997) Effect of the pineal
extract YC05R and melatonin on human primary ovarian and mammary tumor
cells. Cancer Biotherapy 12, 416.
24. Deerberg F., Bartsch C., Pohlmeyer
G., Bartsch H. (1997) Effect of melatonin and physiological epiphysectomy
on the development of spontaneous endometrial carcinoma in BDII/Han rats. Cancer
Biotherapy 12, 420.
25. Kvetnaia T.V., Kvetnoy
I.M., Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Raikhlin N.T. (1997)
Melatonin and proliferative activity of tumour cells. Proc.
Royal Microscop. Soc.
32 (Suppl. 2), 50.
26. Kvetnoy I., Yuzhakov
V., Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Kvetnaia T. (1997)
Potential role of melatonin in the control of non-endocrine human and
experimental tumors. Cancer
Biotherapy 12, 425.
27. Schmidt U., Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Mecke
D. (1997) Pineal melatonin secretion seems to be reversibly inhibited by a tumor-derived
melatonin inhibiting factor. Cancer Biotherapy 12, 429.
28. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Mecke D.
(1999) Neuroimmunoendocrine mechanisms involved in the modulation of circulating
melatonin in breast cancer patients. Neuroimmunomodulation
6, 410.
29. Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1999) The effects of melatonin and
constant light on the development of spontaneous endometrial carcinomas in aging
BDII/Han rats appear to be exerted by modulating maturation of the reproductive
system. Zschr. Gerontol.
Ger. 32 (Suppl. 2),
30. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Mecke D. (2000) Melatonin and cancer: experimental and clinical aspects. Zbl. Arbeitsmed. 50, 304-305.
31. Mück A.O., Bartsch C. (2003) Melatonin und Jetlag: Physiologische Grundlagen für eine Jetlag-vermindernde Wirkung des Melatonins. Geburtsh. u. Frauenheilk. (Im Druck).
32. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (2005) Current understanding of the role of
melatonin in malignancy. Chronobiol Int. 22,
d). Bücher/Buchbeiträge (B):
1. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (1984) The link
between the pineal gland and cancer: an interaction involving chronobiological
mechanisms. In: Chronobiological
Approach to Social Medicine, F. Halberg,
L. Reale, B. Tarquini (Eds.), Istituto Italiano di
Medicina Sociale, Rom, 105-126.
2. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Flehmig B. (1987)
Pineal anti-tumor activity (PATA) of rats under
different physiological conditions. In: Fundamentals and Clinics in Pineal Research,
G.P. Trentini, C. DeGaetani,
P. Pévet (Eds.), Raven Press, New York, 381-384.
3. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (1988) Melatonin in human cancer patients.
In: The Pineal Gland and Cancer, D. Gupta, A. Attanasio,
R.J. Reiter (Eds.), Brain Research Promotion, London, 361-368.
4. Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1988) Unidentified pineal substances with
anti-tumor activity. In: The Pineal Gland and
Cancer, D. Gupta, A. Attanasio, R.J. Reiter (Eds.),
Brain Research Promotion, London, 369-376.
5. Ebels I., Noteborn
H.P.J.M., Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1988) Effects of
low molecular weight pineal compounds on neoplastic growth. In: The Pineal Gland
and Cancer, D. Gupta, A. Attanasio, R.J. Reiter
(Eds.), Brain Research Promotion, London, 261-272.
6. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Gupta D. (1990) Pineal melatonin
synthesis and secretion during induction and growth of mammary cancer in female
rats. In: Neuroendocrinology: New Frontiers. D. Gupta, H.A. Wollmann,
M.B. Ranke (Eds.), Brain Research Promotion, London: Tübingen,
7. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Gupta D. (1990) Seasonal variations of
endogenous defence mechanisms against cancer. In: Neuroendocrinology: New
Frontiers. D. Gupta, H.A. Wollmann, M.B. Ranke
(Eds.), Brain Research Promotion, London: Tübingen,
8. Kvetnoy I.M., Kvetnaja
T., Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1992) Melatonin: sums and perspectives of the
study in oncology (In Russisch). In: Regulatory
Peptides and Biogenic Amines: Radiobiological and Oncoradiological
Aspects. A.F. Cyb, I.M. Kvetnoy
(Eds.), Institute of Medical Radiology, Obninsk,
Russia, 29-34.
9. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (1993) Endocrine rhythms in patients with breast and prostate cancer. In: Chronobiology and Chronomedicine: Basic Research and Applications. C. Gutenbrunner, G. Hildebrandt, R. Moog (Eds.), Peter Lang-Verlag, Frankfurt, 405-410.
10. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Flüchter St. H.,
Lippert T.H. (1993) Depleted pineal melatonin
production in patients with primary breast and prostate cancer is connected with
circadian disturbances of central hormones: possible role of melatonin for
maintenance and synchronization of circadian rhythmicity. In: Melatonin and
the pineal gland - from basic science to clinical applications. Y. Touitou,
J. Arendt, P. Pevet (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam,
11. Bartsch C., Praast G., Peters C., Bartsch
H., Mecke D., Lippert
T.H. (1993) The hepatic metabolism of melatonin in the rat: phenobarbital and polyaromatic
hydrocarbons are inducers of the hydroxylation of melatonin. In: Melatonin and
the pineal gland - from basic science to clinical applications. Y. Touitou,
J. Arendt, P. Pevet (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam,
12. Bartsch H., Bartsch C. (1993) Anti-tumor activity in pineal glands and in urine display similar circannual rhythmicity. In: Chronobiology and Chronomedicine: Basic Research and Applications. C. Gutenbrunner, G. Hildebrandt, R. Moog (Eds.), Peter Lang-Verlag, Frankfurt, 390-395.
13. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Mecke D., Lippert
T.H. (1993) The relationship between the pineal gland
and cancer: seasonal aspects. In: Light and Biological Rhythms. L. Wetterberg
(Ed). Pergamon
Press, Oxford, 337-347.
14. Bartsch C., Bartsch H. (1994) Melatonin secretion in oncological
patients: current results and methodological considerations. In: Adv. Pineal
Res., Vol. 7, G.J.M. Maestroni, A. Conti, R.J.
Reiter (Eds.), John Libbey, London, 283-301.
15. Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Buchberger
A., Stieglitz A., Mecke D., Lippert
T.H. (1994) Serial transplants of DMBA-induced mammary tumors
in Fischer rats as model system for human breast cancer: II. Analysis
of pineal melatonin biosynthesis and secretion. In: Adv. Pineal Res.,
Vol. 8, M. Mφller,
P. Pévet (Eds.), John Libbey,
London, 479-484.
16. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Mecke D., Lippert
T.H. (1994) Differential effect of melatonin on early and advanced passages of a
DMBA-induced mammary carcinoma in the female rat. In: Adv. Pineal Res., Vol. 7,
G.J.M. Maestroni, A. Conti, R.J. Reiter (Eds.), John
Libbey, London, 247-252.
17. Bartsch H., Bartsch C., Mecke D., Lippert
T.H. (1994) Serial transplants of DMBA-induced mammary tumors
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