Lehrstuhl Kognitive Neurowissenschaft
Auf der Morgenstelle 28 Haus E | 7. Ebene | Raum P16 Tel.: +49 7071 29-78864 |
Personal Information
Name | PD Dr. Gregor Hardieß |
Home Address | Steinlachallee 64, 72072 Tübingen |
Birthday & -Place: | 27.11.1975 in Erfurt (Germany - Thuringia) |
Nationality | German |
Parents | Father: Reinhardt Hardieß; Mother: Karin Hardieß |
Event |
1994 | Getting
the general qualification for university entrance on the Heinrich-Mann
Oberschule in Erfurt |
1994 - 1996 | Completion
of the civilian service at the orthopaedic hospital in
Erfurt |
1996 - 2000 | Finishing
the study of Biology at the University of Bayreuth Main subject: Animal Physiology Minor subjects: Genetic and Ecotoxicology |
2000 - 2002 | Processing
of the Diploma (Dipl-Biol.) thesis with the title: "Die Bedeutung der
Geschmacksrezeptoren der Termite Schedorhinotermes lamanianusbei
der Wahrnehmung von Holzinhaltsstoffen" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. von
Holst and Dr. M. Kaib; University of Bayreuth) Thesis |
2003 - 2007 | PhD
- Student in the Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience
(Prof. Dr. H. A. Mallot) at the University
of Tübingen ------------------------------------------ Topic: Compensatory eye and head movements in patients with homonymous hemianopia |
2003 - 2006 | Fellow
of the Graduiertenkolleg 778 - "Kognitive
Neurobiologie" (GKKN) |
2007 | Promotion - Dr.
rer. nat. in Biology (Tübingen University, Germany): "Gaze control and cognitive load in active vision - Task specific
strategies in normal and visually impaired subjects" Thesis |
since 2007 | Scientific
Assistant in the Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience
(Prof. Dr. H. A. Mallot) at the University
of Tübingen |
2015 | Habilitation
- (Priv.-Doz.) in Neuro- und Verhaltensbiologie (Tübingen
University, Germany): "Adaptive behavior and the function of working
memory" Thesis |
since 2015 | Privatdozent in the Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. H. A. Mallot) at the University of Tübingen |