
Lehrstuhl Kognitive Neurowissenschaft

Auf der Morgenstelle 28

D-72076 Tbingen

Haus E | 7. Ebene | Raum P16

Tel.: +49 7071 29-78864
Fax: +49 7071 29-2891

                                     Curriculum Vitae


Personal Information                                            

Name PD Dr. Gregor Hardieß
Home Address Steinlachallee 64, 72072 Tübingen
Birthday & -Place: 27.11.1975 in Erfurt (Germany - Thuringia)
Nationality German
Parents Father: Reinhardt Hardieß; Mother: Karin Hardieß



1994 Getting the general qualification for university entrance on the Heinrich-Mann Oberschule in Erfurt

1994 - 1996 Completion of the civilian service at the orthopaedic hospital in Erfurt

1996 - 2000 Finishing the study of Biology at the University of Bayreuth
Main subject: Animal Physiology
Minor subjects: Genetic and Ecotoxicology

2000 - 2002 Processing of the Diploma (Dipl-Biol.) thesis with the title: "Die Bedeutung der Geschmacksrezeptoren der Termite Schedorhinotermes lamanianusbei der Wahrnehmung von Holzinhaltsstoffen" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. von Holst and Dr. M. Kaib; University of Bayreuth)

2003 - 2007 PhD - Student in the Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. H. A. Mallot) at the University of Tübingen
Topic: Compensatory eye and head movements in patients with
          homonymous hemianopia

2003 - 2006 Fellow of the Graduiertenkolleg 778 -  "Kognitive Neurobiologie" (GKKN)

2007 Promotion - Dr. rer. nat. in Biology (Tübingen University, Germany): "Gaze control and cognitive load in active vision - Task specific strategies in normal and visually impaired subjects"

since 2007 Scientific Assistant in the Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. H. A. Mallot) at the University of Tübingen

2015 Habilitation -  (Priv.-Doz.) in Neuro- und Verhaltensbiologie (Tübingen University, Germany): "Adaptive behavior and the function of working memory"

since 2015 Privatdozent in the Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. H. A. Mallot) at the University of Tübingen