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Röhrig L, Wiesen D, Li D, Karnath H-O (2025). Predicting individual long-term prognosis of spatial neglect based on acute stroke patient data. Brain Communications 7: fcaf047.
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Stammler B, Karnath H-O (2025). Left neck and right biceps muscle vibrations have similar effects on perceived body orientation. Experimental Brain Research 243: 52.
Wöhrstein S, Bressler M, Röhrig L, Prahm C, Karnath H-O (2025). A head-mounted Tilted Reality Device for the treatment of pusher syndrome: A usability study in healthy young and older adults. Virtual Reality 29: 2.
Stammler B, Karnath H-O (2024). Augmented und Virtual Reality in Diagnostik und Therapie von Neglect nach Hirnschädigung. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 35: 223–236.

Röhrig L, Karnath H-O (2024). Structural disconnections caused by white matter hyperintensities in post-stroke spatial neglect. Human Brain Mapping 45: e70078.
Smaczny S, Jung S, Willmes K, Karnath H-O, Klein E (2024). Arithmetic fact retrieval deficits in chronic stroke – a deficit of relearning? PsyArXiv October 22. doi:10.31234/

Rosenzopf H, Röhrig L, Goldenberg G, Karnath H-O (2024). Bayesian evidence for the neural dissociation between finger and hand imitation skills. Imaging Neuroscience 2: 1-15.

Wöhrstein S, Matuz T, Roetzer L, Karnath H-O (2024). Post-COVID-Syndrome patients might overestimate own cognitive impairment. medRxiv .

Stammler B, Lambert M, Schuster T, Flammer K, Karnath H-O (2024). Using augmented reality to assess spatial neglect: The Free Exploration Test (FET). Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 30: 635-642.
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Belger J, Wagner S, Gaebler M, Karnath H-O, Preim B, Saalfeld P, Schatz A, Villringer A, Thöne-Otto A (2024). Application of immersive virtual reality for assessing chronic neglect in individuals with stroke: the immersive virtual road-crossing task. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 46: 254-271.

Smaczny S, Behle L, Kuppe S, Karnath H-O, Lindner A (2024). Sustained bias of spatial attention in a 3T MRI scanner. Scientific Reports 14: 12657.

Sperber C, Rosenzopf H, Wawrzyniak M, Klingbeil J, Saur D, Karnath H-O (2024). Spatial neglect after subcortical stroke: sometimes a cortico-cortical disconnection syndrome. bioRxiv 2024.04.25.591066.

Rennig J, Langenberger C, Karnath H-O (2024). Beyond visual integration: sensitivity of the temporal-parietal junction for objects, places, and faces. Behavioral and Brain Functions 20: 8.

Smaczny S, Klein E, Jung S, Moeller K, Karnath H-O (2024). The line bisection bias as a deficit of proportional reasoning - evidence from number line estimation in neglect. Neuropsychologia 196: 108848.

Sperber C, Wiesen D, Karnath H-O, de Haan B (2024). The neuroanatomy of visual extinction following right hemisphere brain damage: Insights from multivariate and Bayesian lesion analyses in acute stroke. Human Brain Mapping 45: e26639.
Kuester-Gruber S, Kabisch P, Cordey-Henke A, Martus P, Karnath H-O, Trauzettel-Klosinski S (2024). Vertical and horizontal reading training in patients with hemianopia and its effect on reading eye movements. Scientific Reports 14: 3558.
Prabhu NG, Knodel N, Himmelbach M (2024). The superior colliculus motor region does not respond to finger tapping movements in humans. Scientific Reports 14: 1769.

Smaczny S, Bauder D, Sperber C, Karnath H-O, de Haan B (2024). Reducing alertness does not affect line bisection bias in neurotypical participants. Experimental Brain Research 242: 195–204.

Röhrig L, Wiesen D, Li D, Karnath H-O (2024). Predicting individual long-term prognosis of spatial neglect based on acute stroke patient data. medRxiv 2024.01.10.24301050.

Schach S, Braun DA, Lindner A (2023). Cross-hemispheric recruitment during action planning with increasing task demand. Scientific Reports 13:15375.

Prabhu NG, Himmelbach M (2023). Activity in the human superior colliculus associated with reaching for tactile targets. Neuroimage 280:120322.

Belger J, Poppe S, Karnath H-O, Villringer A, Thöne-Otto A (2023). The application of immersive virtual reality and machine learning for the assessment of unilateral spatial neglect. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality 32: 3-22.

Stammler B, Flammer K, Schuster T, Lambert M, Neumann O, Lux M, Matuz T, Karnath H-O (2023). Spatial neglect therapy with the augmented reality app “Negami” for active exploration training: A randomized controlled trial on 20 stroke patients with spatial neglect. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 104: 1987-1994.
Software Download  "Negami"  Software Download
Karnath H-O, Cording C (2023). Welche Relevanz haben bildgebende Befunde für die Beurteilung der Testier(un)fähigkeit? ErbR – Zeitschrift für die gesamte erbrechtliche Praxis 10: 750-757.
Röhrig L, Rosenzopf H, Wöhrstein S, Karnath H-O (2023). The need for hemispheric separation in pairwise structural disconnection studies. Human Brain Mapping 44: 5212-5220.

Rosenzopf H, Klingbeil J, Wawrzyniak M, Röhrig L, Sperber C, Saur D, Karnath H-O (2023). Thalamocortical disconnection involved in pusher syndrome. Brain 146: 3648–3661.

Karnath H-O, Schenk T, Benke T, Brinkmann S, Brötz D, Engel A, Guggisberg A, Hildebrandt H, Kerkhoff G, Rodenberg A, Schöberl F, Wallesch C-W (2023). Kurzfassung der S2k-Leitlinie „Diagnostik und Therapie von Neglect und anderen Störungen der Raumkognition“ (AWMF-030/126). Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 34: 119–128.

Langfassung der S2k Leitlinie  
Stammler B, Rosenzopf H, Röhrig L, Smaczny S, Matuz T, Schenk T, Karnath H-O (2023). Klinische Untersuchung des unilateralen Neglects und weiterer Störungen der Raumkognition. Nervenarzt 94: 744-756.

Zhang Y, Rennig J, Magnotti JF, Beauchamp MS (2023). Multivariate fMRI responses in superior temporal cortex predict visual contributions to, and individual differences in, the intelligibility of noisy speech. Neuroimage 278: 120271.

Rosenzopf H, Sperber C, Wortha F, Wiesen D, Muth A, Klein E, Möller K, Karnath H-O (2023). Spatial neglect in the digital age – Influence of presentation format on patients’ test behavior. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 29: 686-695.
Roth MJ, Lindner A, Hesse K, Wildgruber D, Wong HY, Buehner MJ (2023). Impaired perception of temporal contiguity between action and effect is associated with disorders of agency in schizophrenia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 120: e2214327120.

Coelho-Marques J, Hanke J, Schell C, Andres F, Karnath H-O (2023). “Look straight ahead” ‒ A new test to diagnose spatial neglect by computed tomography. PLoS ONE 18: e0284033.

Karnath H-O, Schenk T (2023). Unilateraler Neglect nach Hirnschädigung. neuroreha 15: 36-40.

Sperber C, Gallucci L, Smaczny S, Umarova R (2023). Bayesian lesion-deficit inference with Bayes factor mapping: key advantages, limitations, and a toolbox. Neuroimage 271: 120008.

Stammler B, Flammer K, Schuster T, Lambert M, Karnath H-O (2023). Negami: An augmented reality app for the treatment of spatial neglect after stroke. JMIR Serious Games 11: e40651.

Software Download  "Negami"  Software Download
Smaczny S, Sperber C, Jung S, Moeller K, Karnath H-O, Klein E (2023). Disconnection in a left-hemispheric temporo-parietal network impairs multiplication fact retrieval. Neuroimage 268: 119840.

Karnath H-O, Rosenzopf H, Stammler B, Smaczny S, Lindner A (2022). Spatial neglect after stroke is reduced when lying inside a 3T MRI scanner. bioRxiv 2022.08.01.502290.

Kim JH, Taylor AJ, Himmelbach M, Hagberg GE, Scheffler K, Ress D (2022). Characterization of the blood oxygen level dependent hemodynamic response function in human subcortical regions with high spatiotemporal resolution. Frontiers in Neuroscience 16:1009295.

Wiesen D, Bonilha L, Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2022). Disconnectomics to unravel the network underlying deficits of spatial exploration and attention. Scientific Reports 12: 22315.

Röhrig L, Sperber C, Bonilha L, Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2022). Right hemispheric white matter hyperintensities improve the prediction of spatial neglect severity in acute stroke. Neuroimage: Clinical 36: 103265.

Nestmann S, Röhrig L, Müller B, Ilg W, Karnath H-O (2022). Tilted 3D visual scenes influence lateropulsion: a single case study of pusher syndrome. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 44: 478-486.
Sperber C, Griffis J, Kasties V (2022). Indirect structural disconnection-symptom mapping. Brain Structure & Function 227: 3129-3144.

Schach S, Lindner A, Braun DA (2022). Bounded rational decision-making models suggest capacity-limited concurrent motor planning in human posterior parietal and frontal cortex. PLOS Computational Biology 18: e1010585.

Karnath H-O (2022). Irrungen und Wirrungen wissenschaftlichen Publizierens. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 33: 197.

Benke T, Bodner T, Wiesen D, Karnath H-O (2022). The amnestic syndrome of posterior cerebral artery infarction. European Journal of Neurology 29: 2987-2995.

Sperber C, Karnath H-O (2022). Statistical considerations in voxel-based lesion-behavior mapping. In: D Pustina & D Mirman (eds.) Lesion-to-Symptom Mapping: Principles and Tools. Neuromethods. New York, Humana Press, 119-133. DOI:       
Sperber C (2022). Lesion-Behavior Mapping using NPM. In: D Pustina & D Mirman (eds.) Lesion-to-Symptom Mapping: Principles and Tools. Neuromethods. New York, Humana Press, 290-295. DOI:       
Smaczny S, Rosenzopf H, Röhrig L (2022). Lesion Analysis with NiiStat Tutorial. In: D Pustina & D Mirman (eds.) Lesion-to-Symptom Mapping: Principles and Tools. Neuromethods. New York, Humana Press, 308-317. DOI:       
Nestmann S, Karnath H-O, Rennig J (2022). The role of posterior ventral stream areas for viewpoint-invariant object recognition. Neuroimage 251: 119021.

Rosenzopf H, Wiesen D, Basilakos A, Yourganov G, Bonilha L, Rorden C, Fridriksson J, Karnath H-O, Sperber C (2022). Mapping the human praxis network: an investigation of white matter disconnection in limb apraxia of gesture production. Brain Communications 4: fcac004.

Rennig J, Beauchamp MS (2022). Intelligibility of audiovisual sentences drives multivoxel response patterns in human superior temporal cortex. Neuroimage 247: 118796.

Moore K, Convery R, Bocchetta M, Neason M, Cash DM, Greaves C, Russell LL, Clarke MTM, Peakman G, van Swieten J, Jiskoot L, Moreno F, Barandiaran M, Sanchez-Valle R, Borroni B, Laforce R Jr, Doré MC, Masellis M, Tartaglia MC, Graff C, Galimberti D, Rowe JB, Finger E, Synofzik M, Karnath H-O, Vandenberghe R, de Mendonça A, Maruta C, Tagliavini F, Santana I, Ducharme S, Butler C, Gerhard A, Levin J, Danek A, Otto M, Warren JD, Rohrer JD; Genetic FTD Initiative, GENFI (2022). A modified Camel and Cactus Test detects presymptomatic semantic impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult 29: 112-119.

Sperber C (2022). The strange role of brain lesion size in cognitive neuropsychology. Cortex 146: 216–226.

Kasties V, Karnath H-O, Sperber C (2021). Strategies for feature extraction from structural brain imaging in lesion-deficit modelling. Human Brain Mapping 42: 5409-5422.

Lindner A, Wiesen D, Karnath H-O (2021). Lying in a 3T MRI scanner induces neglect-like spatial attention bias. eLife 10: e71076.

Benke T, Dazinger F, Pechlaner R, Willeit K, Clausen J, Knoflach M (2021). Lesion topography of posterior cerebral artery infarcts. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 428: 117585.

Nestmann S, Karnath H-O, Rennig J (2021). Hemifield-specific color perception deficits after unilateral V4α lesions. Cortex 142: 357-369.

Greipl S, Klein E, Lindstedt A, Kiili K, Moeller K, Karnath H-O, Bahnmueller J, Bloechle J, Ninaus M (2021). When the brain comes into play: neurofunctional correlates of emotions and reward in game-based learning. Computers in Human Behavior 125: 106946.

Shahvaroughi-Farahani A, Linkenauger SA, Mohler BJ, Behrens SC, Giel KE, Karnath H-O (2021). Body size perception in stroke patients with paresis. PLoS ONE 16: e0252596.

Nestmann S, Wiesen D, Karnath H-O, Rennig J (2021). Temporo-parietal brain regions are involved in higher order object perception. Neuroimage 234: 117982.

Schäfer E, Vedoveli A-E, Righetti G, Gamerdinger P, Knipper M, Tropitzsch A, Karnath H-O, Braun C, Li Hegner Y (2021). Activities of the right temporo-parieto-occipital junction reflect spatial hearing ability in cochlear implant users. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15: 613101.

Kuester-Gruber S, Kabisch P, Cordey A, Karnath H-O, Trauzettel-Klosinski S (2021). Training of vertical versus horizontal reading in patients with hemianopia – a randomized and controlled study. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 259: 745–757.

von Bernstorff M, Bausenhart F, Rapp J, Feierabend M, Ipach I, Hofmann UK (2021). Evaluation of braking performances of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip: Are there alternatives to a brake simulator? Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 55: 42-47.

Sperber C, Clausen J, Benke T, Karnath H-O (2020). The anatomy of spatial neglect after posterior cerebral artery stroke. Brain Communications 2: fcaa163.

Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2020). Functional brain imaging in stroke patients. In: RM Lazar, MA Pavol, JN Browndyke (eds.) Neurovascular Neuropsychology, 2nd Ed. Cham, Springer, 399-413. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-49586-2_17       
Wiesen D, Karnath H-O, Sperber C (2020). Disconnection somewhere down the line: multivariate lesion-symptom mapping of the line bisection error. Cortex 133: 120-132.

Pilacinski A, Höller-Wallscheid MS, Lindner A (2020). Remember how to use it: Effector-dependent modulation of spatial working memory activity in posterior parietal cortex. PLoS ONE 15: e0238022.

Karnath H-O, Zihl J, Benke T, Brötz D, Brinkmann S, Hildebrandt H, Kerkhoff G, Kiesewalter C, Müri R, Wallesch C-W, Wessel K (2020). Kurzfassung der S1-Leitlinie "Rehabilitation bei Störungen der Raumkognition" (AWMF-030/126). Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 31: 129-134.

Nestmann S, Karnath H-O, Bülthoff HH, de Winkel KN (2020). Changes in the perception of upright body orientation with age. PLoS ONE 15: e0233160.

Sperber C, Dadashi A (2020). The influence of sample size and arbitrary statistical thresholds in lesion-network mapping. Brain 143: e40.

Sperber C, Karnath H-O (2020). Inhibition between human brain areas or methodological artefact? Brain 143: e38.

Barahona-Corrêa JB, Cotovio G, Costa RM, Ribeiro R, Velosa A, Cruz e Silva V, Sperber C, Karnath H-O, Senova S, Oliveira-Maia AJ (2020). Right-sided brain lesions predominate among patients with lesional mania: evidence from a systematic review and pooled lesion analysis. Translational Psychiatry 10: 139.

Karnath H-O, Sperber C, Wiesen D, de Haan B (2020). Lesion-behaviour mapping in cognitive neuroscience: A practical guide to univariate and multivariate approaches. In: S Pollmann (ed.) Spatial Learning and Attention Guidance. Neuromethods. New York, Humana Press, 209-238. DOI:       
Jung S, Moeller K, Karnath H-O, Klein E (2020). Hemispheric lateralization of arithmetic facts and magnitude processing for two-digit numbers. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14: 88.

Sperber C, Nolingberg C, Karnath H-O (2020). Post-stroke cognitive deficits rarely come alone: handling co-morbidity in lesion behaviour mapping. Human Brain Mapping 41: 1387-1399.

Klingbeil J, Wawrzyniak M, Stockert A, Karnath H-O, Saur D (2020). Hippocampal diaschisis contributes to anosognosia for hemiplegia: evidence from lesion network-symptom-mapping. Neuroimage 208: 116485.

Sperber C (2020). Rethinking causality and data complexity in brain lesion-behaviour inference and its implications for lesion-behaviour modelling. Cortex 126: 49-62.

Ninaus M, Greipl S, Kiili K, Lindstedt A, Huber S, Klein E, Karnath H-O, Moeller K (2019). Increased emotional engagement in game-based learning − a machine learning approach on facial emotion detection data. Computers & Education 142: 103641.

Wiesen D, Sperber C, Yourganov G, Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2019). Using machine learning-based lesion behavior mapping to identify anatomical networks of cognitive dysfunction: spatial neglect and attention. Neuroimage 201: 116000.

Mock J, Huber S, Bloechle J, Bahnmueller J, Moeller K, Klein E (2019). Processing symbolic and non-symbolic proportions: domain-specific numerical and domain-general processes in intraparietal cortex. Brain Research 1714: 133-146.

von Bernstorff M, Rapp J, Bausenhart F, Feierabend M, Ipach I, Hofmann UK (2019). Estimating braking performance in osteoarthritis of the knee or hip with a reaction timer. Orthopaedic Surgery 11: 248-254.

Balslev D, Odoj B (2019). Distorted gaze direction input to attentional priority map in spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia 131: 119–128.

Feierabend M, Karnath H-O, Lewald J (2019). Auditory space perception in the blind: horizontal sound localization in acoustically simple and complex situations. Perception 48: 1039–1057.

Sperber C, Wiesen D, Goldenberg G, Karnath H-O (2019). A network underlying human higher-order motor control: insights from machine learning-based lesion-behaviour mapping in apraxia of pantomime. Cortex 121: 308–321.

Umarova RM, Sperber C, Kaller CP, Schmidt CSM, Urbach H, Klöppel S, Weiller C, Karnath H-O (2019). Cognitive reserve impacts on disability and cognitive deficits in acute stroke. Journal of Neurology 266: 2495–2504.

McDermott EJ, Himmelbach M (2019). Effects of arm weight and target height on hand selection: a low-cost virtual reality paradigm. PLoS One 14: e0207326.

Karnath H-O, Kriechel I, Tesch J, Mohler BJ, Mölbert SC (2019). Caloric vestibular stimulation has no effect on perceived body size. Scientific Reports 9: 11411.

Praß M,de Haan B (2019). Multi-target attention and visual short-term memory capacity are closely linked in the intraparietal sulcus. Human Brain Mapping 40: 3589–3605.

Karnath H-O, Sperber C, Rorden C (2019). Reprint of: Mapping human brain lesions and their functional consequences. Neuroimage 190: 4-13.

Karnath H-O, Mölbert SC, Klaner AK, Tesch J, Giel KE, Wong HY, Mohler BJ (2019). Visual perception of one’s own body under vestibular stimulation using biometric self-avatars in virtual reality. PLoS ONE 14: e0213944.

Sperber C, Wiesen D, Karnath H-O (2019). An empirical evaluation of multivariate lesion behaviour mapping using support vector regression. Human Brain Mapping 40: 1381-1390.

Hofmann UK, Wittmann S, Fischer AN, Jordan M, Feierabend MM, Rondak IC, Ipach I, Mittag F (2018). Influence of spine surgery on the ability to perform an emergency stop while driving a car. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 31: 29-36.

Zimmermann M, Wilke C, Schulte C, Hoffmann J, Klopfer J, Reimold M, Brockmann K, Synofzik M (2018). Biallelic Parkin (PARK2) mutations can cause a bvFTD phenotype without clinically relevant parkinsonism. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 55: 145–147.

Hinterecker T, Pretto P, de Winkel KN, Karnath H-O, Bülthoff HH, Meilinger T (2018). Body-relative horizontal-vertical anisotropy in human representations of traveled distances. Experimental Brain Research 236: 2811–2827.

Bloechle J, Huber S, Klein E, Bahnmüller J, Moeller K, Rennig J (2018). Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of global Gestalt perception in visual quantification. Neuroimage 181: 359-369.

de Haan B, Karnath H-O (2018). A hitchhiker’s guide to lesion-behaviour mapping. Neuropsychologia 115: 5–16.

Sperber C, Karnath H-O (2018). On the validity of lesion-behaviour mapping methods. Neuropsychologia 115: 17–24.

Loureiro JR, Himmelbach M, Ethofer T, Pohmann R, Martin P, Bause J, Scheffler K, Grodd W, Hagberg G (2018). In-vivo quantitative structural imaging of the human midbrain and the superior colliculus at 9.4T. Neuroimage 177: 117-128.

Mock J, Huber S, Bloechle J, Dietrich JF, Bahnmueller J, Rennig J, Klein E, Moeller K (2018). Magnitude processing of symbolic and non-symbolic proportions: an fMRI study. Behavioral and Brain Functions 14: 9.

Kühne M, Eschelbach M, Aghaeifar A, von Pflugk L, Thielscher A, Himmelbach M, Scheffler K, van der Smagt P, Peer A (2018). An MR-compatible haptic interface with seven degrees of freedom. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 23: 624-635.

Bloechle J, Huber JF, Klein E, Bahnmueller J, Rennig J, Moeller K, Huber S (2018). Spatial arrangement and set size influence the coding of non-symbolic quantities in the intraparietal sulcus. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12: 54.

Mölbert SC, Thaler A, Mohler BJ, Streuber S, Romero J, Black MJ, Zipfel S, Karnath H-O, Giel KE (2018). Assessing body image in anorexia nervosa using biometric self-avatars in virtual reality: attitudinal components rather than visual body size estimation are distorted. Psychological Medicine 48: 642–653.

Rorden C, Li D, Karnath H-O (2018). Biased temporal order judgments in chronic neglect influenced by trunk position. Cortex 99: 273–280.

Rennig J, Cornelsen S, Wilhelm H, Himmelbach M, Karnath H-O (2018). Preserved expert object recognition in a case of visual hemiagnosia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 30: 131–143.

Sperber C, Christensen A, Ilg W, Giese MA, Karnath H-O (2018). Apraxia of object-related action does not depend on visual feedback. Cortex 99: 103–117.

Rennig J, Karnath H-O, Cornelsen S, Wilhelm H, Himmelbach M (2018). Hemifield coding in ventral object-sensitive areas – evidence from visual hemiagnosia. Cortex 98: 149–162.

Karnath H-O, Sperber C, Rorden C (2018). Mapping human brain lesions and their functional consequences. Neuroimage 165: 180–189.

Mölbert SC, Thaler A, Streuber S, Black MJ, Karnath H-O, Zipfel S, Mohler B, Giel KE (2017). Investigating body image disturbance in anorexia nervosa using novel biometric figure rating scales: a pilot study. European Eating Disorders Review 25: 607–612.

de Haan B, Karnath H-O (2017). ‘Whose atlas I use, his song I sing?’ − The impact of anatomical atlases on fiber tract contributions to cognitive deficits. Neuroimage 163: 301–309.

Ghashghaeinia M, Wesseling MC, Ramos E, Petkova-Kirova P, Waibel S, Lang E, Bissinger R, Alzoubi K, Edelmann B, Hosseinzadeh Z, Dreischer P, Shahvaroughi-Farahani A, Mrowietz U, Köberle M, Kaestner L, Bernhardt I, Martínez-Ruiz A, Wieder T, Lang F (2017). Trifluoperazine-induced suicidal erythrocyte death and S-nitrosylation inhibition, reversed by the nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside.Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 42: 1985-1998.

Kober SE, Witte M, Ninaus M, Koschutnig K, Wiesen D, Zaiser G, Neuper C, Wood G (2017). Ability to gain control over one's own brain activity and its relation to spiritual practice: a multimodal imaging study. Frontiers Human Neuroscience 11: 271.

Mölbert SC, Klein L, Thaler A, Mohler BJ, Brozzo C, Martus P, Karnath H-O, Zipfel S, Giel KE (2017). Depictive and metric body size estimation in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review 57: 21–31.

Lidzba K, de Haan B, Wilke M, Krägeloh-Mann I, Staudt M (2017). Lesion characteristics driving right-hemispheric language reorganization in congenital left-hemispheric brain damage. Brain & Language 173: 1–9.

Karnath H-O, Rennig J (2017). Investigating structure and function in the healthy human brain: validity of acute versus chronic lesion-symptom mapping. Brain Structure & Function 222: 2059-2070.

Vogel AP, Rommel N, Sauer C, Horger M, Krumm P, Himmelbach M, Synofzik M (2017). Clinical assessment of dysphagia in neurodegeneration (CADN): development, validity and reliability of a bedside tool for dysphagia assessment. Journal of Neurology 264: 1107-1117.

Li D, Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2017). "Nonspatial" attentional deficits interact with spatial position in neglect. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 29: 911–918.
Rennig J, Bleyer AL, Karnath H-O (2017). Simultanagnosia does not affect processes of auditory Gestalt perception. Neuropsychologia 99: 279-285.

Li D, Karnath H-O, Xu X (2017). Candidate biomarkers in children with autism spectrum disorder: a review of MRI studies. Neuroscience Bulletin 33: 219-237.

Mölbert SC, Hautzinger M, Karnath H-O, Zipfel S, Giel KE (2017). Validation of the Physical Appearance Comparison Scale (PACS) in a German sample: psychometric properties and association with eating behavior, body image and self-esteem. Psychotherapie–Psychosomatik− Medizinische Psychologie 67: 91–97.

Sperber C, Karnath H-O (2017). Impact of correction factors in human brain lesion-behavior inference. Human Brain Mapping 38: 1692–1701.

Loureiro JR, Hagberg GE, Ethofer T, Erb M, Bause J, Ehses P, Scheffler K, Himmelbach M (2017). Depth-dependence of visual signals in the human superior colliculus at 9.4 T. Human Brain Mapping 38: 574-587.

Zago L, Petit L, Jobard G, Hay J, Mazoyer B, Tzourio-Mazoyer N, Karnath H-O, Mellet E (2017). Pseudoneglect in line bisection judgement is associated with a modulation of right hemispheric spatial attention dominance in right-handers. Neuropsychologia 94: 75–83.

Mölbert SC, Sauer H, Dammann D, Zipfel S, Teufel M, Junne F, Enck P, Giel KE, Mack I (2016). Multimodal body representation of obese children and adolescents before and after weight-los treatment in comparison to normal-weight children. PLoS ONE 11: e0166826.
Marquetand J, van Lessen M, Bender B, Reimold M, Elsen G, Stoecker W, Synofzik M (2016). Slowly progressive LGI1 encephalitis with isolated late-onset cognitive dysfunction: a treatable mimic of Alzheimer's disease. Europenan Journal of Neurology 23: e28-e29.
Liew SL, Rana M, Cornelsen S, Fortunato de Barros Filho M, Birbaumer N, Sitaram R, Cohen LG, Soekadar SR (2016). Improving motor corticothalamic communication after stroke using real-time fMRI connectivity-based neurofeedback. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 30: 671-675.
Bloechle J, Huber S, Bahnmueller J, Rennig J, Willmes K, Seda C, Moeller K, Klein E (2016). Fact learning in complex arithmetic – the role of the angular gyrus revisited. Human Brain Mapping 37: 3061-3079.
Belardinelli A, Barabas M, Himmelbach M, Butz M (2016). Anticipatory eye fixations reveal tool knowledge for tool interaction. Experimental Brain Research 234: 2415–2431.
Tabatabai G, Koch M, Roggia C, Ebert J, Garbe C, Meier F, Brucker S, Grischke EM, Wallwiener D, Möhle R, Kanz L, Auletzky WE, Ernemann U, La Fougere C, Nikolaou K, Pichler B, Schittenhelm J, Neumann M, Fend F, Czemmel S, Nahnsen S, Paulsen F, Zips D, Lessen MV, Karnath HO, Ziemann U, Rammensee HG, Roder C, Skardelly M, Honegger JB, Tatagiba M (2016). Interdisciplinary management of CNS metastasis and neoplastic meningitis: recent developments and future perspectives. J Cancer Metasta Treat 2: 163–175.
Rennig J, Karnath H-O (2016). Stimulus size mediates Gestalt processes in object perception - evidence from simultanagnosia. Neuropsychologia 89: 66–73.
Cornelsen S, Rennig J, Himmelbach M (2016). Memory-guided reaching in a patient with visual hemiagnosia. Cortex 79: 32–41.
Klein E, Suchan J, Moeller K, Karnath H-O, Knops A, Wood G, Nuerk H-C, Willmes K (2016). Considering structural connectivity in the triple code model of numerical cognition: differential connectivity for magnitude processing and arithmetic facts. Brain Structure & Function 221: 979–995.
Odoj B, Balslev D (2016). Role of oculoproprioception in coding the locus of attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 28: 517–528.
Sperber C, Karnath H-O (2016). Diagnostic validity of line bisection in the acute phase of stroke. Neuropsychologia 82: 200–204.
Lam JM, Globas C, Hosp JA, Karnath H-O, Wächter T, Luft AR (2016). Impaired implicit learning and feedback processing after stroke. Neuroscience 314: 116–124.
Sperber C, Karnath H-O (2016). Topography of acute stroke in a sample of 439 right brain damaged patients. NeuroImage: Clinical 10: 124–128.

Zündorf IC, Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2016). Testing the dual-pathway model for auditory processing in human cortex. NeuroImage 124: 672–681.
de Haan B, Clas P, Juenger H, Wilke M, Karnath H-O (2015). Fast semi-automated lesion demarcation in stroke. NeuroImage: Clinical  9: 69–74.

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de Haan B, Bither M, Brauer A, Karnath H-O (2015). Neural correlates of spatial attention and target detection in a multi-target environment. Cerebral Cortex 25: 2321–2331.
Martin JA, Ramsay J, Hughes C, Peters DM, Edwards MG (2015). Age and grip strength predict hand dexterity in adults. PLoS One 10: e0117598.
Celeghin A, Barabas M, Mancini F, Bendini M, Pedrotti E, Prior M, Cantagallo A, Savazzi S, Marzi CA (2015). Speeded manual responses to unseen visual stimuli in hemianopic patients: what kind of blindsight? Consciousness and Cognition 32: 6-14.
Rennig J, Himmelbach M, Huberle E, Karnath H-O (2015). Involvement of the TPJ area in processing of novel global forms. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27: 1587–1600.

Karnath H-O (2015). Spatial attention systems in spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia 75: 61–73.

de Haan B, Stoll T, Karnath H-O (2015). Early sensory processing in right hemispheric stroke patients with and without extinction. Neuropsychologia 73: 141–150.

Kopp B, Rösser N, Tabeling S, Stürenburg HJ, de Haan B, Karnath H-O, Wessel K (2015). Errors on the Trail Making Test are associated with right hemispheric frontal lobe damage in stroke patients. Behavioural Neurology 2015: 309235.

Baier B, Müller-Forell W, Müller N, Dieterich M, Karnath H-O (2015). Anosognosia for obvious visual field defects in stroke patients. Brain Structure & Function 220: 1855–1860.
Mihulowicz U, Klein E, Nuerk H-C, Willmes K, Karnath H-O (2015). Spatial displacement of numbers on a vertical number line in spatial neglect. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9: 240.

Martin JA, Karnath H-O, Himmelbach M (2015). Revisiting the cortical system for peripheral reaching at the parieto-occipital junction. Cortex 64: 363-379.
Huber S, Cornelsen S, Moeller K, Nuerk HC (2015). Toward a model framework of generalized parallel componential processing of multi-symbol numbers. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 41:732-745.
Baier B, Vucurevic G, Müller-Forell W, Glassl O, Geber C, Dieterich M, Karnath H-O (2014). Anosognosia for hemiparesis after left-sided stroke. Cortex 61: 120-126.
Belardinelli A, Kurz JM, Kutter EF, Neumann H, Karnath H-O, Butz MV (2014). Modeling simultanagnosia. In: P Bello, M Guarini, M McShane, B Scassellati (eds.) Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX, Cognitive Science Society, 1911-1916.
Balslev D, Odoj B, Rennig J, Karnath H-O (2014). Abnormal center-periphery gradient in spatial attention in simultanagnosia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26: 2778-2788.
Karnath H-O, Smith DV (2014). The next step in modern brain lesion analysis: multivariate pattern analysis. Brain 137: 2405-2407.

Li D, Karnath H-O, Rorden C (2014). Egocentric representations of space co-exist with allocentric representations: evidence from spatial neglect. Cortex 58: 161-169.
Mihulowicz U, Willmes K, Karnath H-O, Klein E (2014). Single-digit arithmetic processing – anatomical evidence from statistical voxel-based lesion analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8: 286.
Zündorf IC, Karnath H-O, Lewald J (2014). The effect of brain lesions on sound localization in complex acoustic environments. Brain 137: 1410-1418.
Borchers S, Verheij R, Smeets JBJ, Himmelbach M (2014). The influence of object height on maximum grip aperture in empirical and modelled data. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 40: 889-896.
Atabaki A, Marciniak K, Dicke PW, Karnath H-O, Thier P (2014). Parietal blood oxygenation level-dependent response evoked by covert visual search reflects set-size effect in monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience 39: 832-840.
Suchan J, Umarova R, Schnell S, Himmelbach M, Weiller C, Karnath H-O, Saur D (2014). Fiber pathways connecting cortical areas relevant for spatial orienting and exploration. Human Brain Mapping 35: 1031-1043.

Kopp B, Rösser N, Tabeling S, Stürenburg HJ, de Haan B, Karnath H-O, Wessel K (2014). Disorganized behavior on Link’s cube test is sensitive to right hemispheric frontal lobe damage in stroke patients. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8: 79.
Schell C, Suchan J, Himmelbach M, Haarmeier T, Borchers S (2014). Limb apraxia in acute ischemic stroke: a neglected clinical challenge? Neurocase 20: 158-162.

Rohde M, Wold A, Karnath H-O, Ernst MO (2013). The human touch: skin temperature during the Rubber Hand Illusion in manual and automated stroking procedures. PLoS ONE 8: e80688.
Kopp B, Rösser N, Tabeling S, Stürenburg HJ, de Haan B, Karnath H-O, Wessel K (2013). Performance on the Frontal Assessment Battery is sensitive to frontal lobe damage in stroke patients. BMC Neurology 13: 179.
Balslev D, Odoj B, Karnath H-O (2013). Role of somatosensory cortex in spatial attention. Journal of Neuroscience 33: 18311–18318.
Borchers S, Synofzik M, Kiely E, Himmelbach M (2013). Routine clinical testing underestimates proprioceptive deficits in Friedreich’s ataxia. Cerebellum 12: 916–922.

de Haan B, Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2013). Abnormal perilesional BOLD signal is not correlated with stroke patients’ behavior. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 669.

Rennig J, Bilalic M, Huberle E, Karnath H-O, Himmelbach M (2013). The temporo-parietal junction contributes to global gestalt perception – evidence from studies in chess experts. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 513.

Borchers S, Müller L, Synofzik M, Himmelbach M (2013). Guidelines and quality measures for the diagnosis of optic ataxia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 324.

Himmelbach M, Linzenbold W, Ilg UJ (2013). Dissociation of reach-related and visual signals in the human superior colliculus. Neuroimage 82: 61–67.

Rennig J, Karnath H-O, Huberle E (2013). The role of size constancy for the integration of local elements into a global shape. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 342.

Odoj B, Balslev D (2013). Visual sensitivity shifts with perceived eye position. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25: 1180-1189.

Zündorf IC, Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2013). Neural correlates of sound localization in complex acoustic environments. PLoS ONE 8: e64259.

Atabaki A, Dicke PW, Karnath H-O, Thier P (2013). The dependencies of fronto-parietal BOLD responses evoked by covert visual search suggest eye-centred coding. European Journal of Neuroscience 37: 1320–1329.

Kümmerer D, Hartwigsen G, Kellmeyer P, Glauche V, Mader I, Klöppel S, Suchan J, Karnath H-O, Weiller C, Saur D (2013). Damage to ventral and dorsal language pathways in acute aphasia. Brain 136: 619–629.

Smith DV, Clithero JA, Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2013). Decoding the anatomical network of spatial attention Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U S A 110: 1518–1523.

Christensen A, Borchers S, Himmelbach M (2013). Effects of pictorial cues on reaching depend on the dictinctiveness of target objects. PLoS ONE 8: e54230.

Lam JM, Wächter T, Globas C, Karnath H-O, Luft AR (2013). Predictive value and reward in implicit classification learning. Human Brain Mapping 34: 176–185.

Maetzler W, Tian Y, Baur SM, Gauger T, Odoj B, Schmid B, Schulte C, Deuschle C, Heck S, Apel A, Melms A, Gasser T, Berg D (2012). Serum and cerebrospinal fluid levels of transthyretin in Lewy body disorders with and without dementia. PLoS One 7: e48042.

Balslev D, Newman W, Knox PC (2012). Extraocular muscle afferent signals modulate visual attention. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 53: 7004-7009.

Rennig J, Karnath H-O (2012). Rechtshemisphärischer Schlaganfall: Verbessert ein Dopaminagonist die Neglect-Symptomatik? InFo Neurologie & Psychiatrie 14: 42-44.

Ritzinger B, Huberle E, Karnath H-O (2012). Bilateral theta-burst TMS to influence global Gestalt perception. PLoS ONE 7: e47820.

Linzenbold W, Himmelbach M (2012). Signals from the deep: reach-related activity in the human superior colliculus. Journal of Neuroscience 32: 13881–13888.

Synofzik M, Maetzler W, Grehl T, Prudlo J, Müller vom Hagen J, Haack T, Rebassoo P, Munz M, Schöls L, Biskup S (2012). Screening in ALS and FTD patients reveals 3 novel UBQLN2 mutations outside the PXX domain and a pure FTD phenotype. Neurobiology of Aging 33: 2949.e13–2949.e17.

Huberle E, Rupek P, Lappe M, Karnath H-O (2012). Perception of biological motion in visual agnosia. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 6: 56.

de Haan B, Karnath H-O (2012). Objections against the view of visual extinction as an attentional disengagement deficit: The interaction between spatial position and temporal modulation. Cortex 48: 972-979.

Borchers S, Himmelbach M (2012). The recognition of everyday objects changes grasp scaling. Vision Research 67: 8-13.

Balslev D, Siebner HR, Paulson OB, Kassuba T (2012). The cortical eye proprioceptive signal modulates neural activity in higher-order visual cortex as predicted by the variation in visual sensitivity. Neuroimage 61:950-956.
Huberle E, Karnath H-O (2012). The role of temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) in global Gestalt perception. Brain Structure & Function 217: 735–746.
Balslev D, Himmelbach M, Karnath H-O, Borchers S, Odoj B (2012). Eye proprioception used for visual localization only if in conflict with the oculomotor plan. Journal of Neuroscience 32: 8569-8573.

Rorden C, Bonilha L, Fridriksson J, Bender B, Karnath H-O (2012). Age-specific CT and MRI templates for spatial normalization. Neuroimage 61: 957–965.

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Thomas C, Kveraga K, Huberle E, Karnath H-O, Bar M (2012). Enabling global processing in simultanagnosia by psychophysical biasing of visual pathways. Brain 135: 1578-1585.

Rorden C, Hjaltason H, Fillmore P, Fridriksson J, Kjartansson O, Magnusdottir S, Karnath H-O (2012). Allocentric neglect strongly associated with egocentric neglect. Neuropsychologia 50: 1151-1157.

Suchan J, Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2012). Neglect severity after left and right brain damage. Neuropsychologia 50: 1136-1141.

de Haan B, Karnath H-O, Driver J (2012). Mechanisms and anatomy of unilateral extinction after brain injury. Neuropsychologia 50: 1045-1053.

Karnath H-O, Rorden C (2012). The anatomy of spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia 50: 1010-1017.

Schenk T, Karnath H-O (2012). Neglect and attention: Current trends and questions. Neuropsychologia 50: 1007-1009.

Zopf R, Klose U, Karnath H-O (2012). Evaluation of methods for detecting perfusion abnormalities after stroke in dysfunctional brain regions. Brain Structure & Function 217: 667-675.

Baier B, Suchan J, Karnath H-O, Dieterich M (2012). Neural correlates of disturbed perception of verticality. Neurology 78: 728-735.

Himmelbach M, Boehme R, Karnath H-O (2012). 20 years later: a second look on DF’s motor behaviour. Neuropsychologia 50: 139-144.

Borchers S, Himmelbach M, Logothetis N, Karnath H-O (2012). Direct electrical stimulation of human cortex – the gold standard for mapping brain functions? Nature Reviews Neuroscience 13: 63-70.

Balslev D, Albert NB, Miall C (2011). Eye muscle proprioception is represented bilaterally in the sensorimotor cortex. Human Brain Mapping 32:624-631.
Balslev D, Gowen E, Miall RC (2011). Decreased visual attention further from the perceived direction of gaze for equidistant retinal targets. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23:661-669.
Borchers S, Hauser TK, Himmelbach M (2011). Bilateral hand representations in human primary proprioceptive areas. Neuropsychologia 49: 3383-3391.
Linzenbold W, Lindig T, Himmelbach M (2011). Functional neuroimaging of the oculomotor brainstem network in humans. Neuroimage 57: 1116-1123.

Suchan J, Karnath H-O (2011). Spatial orienting by left hemisphere language areas: a relict from the past? Brain 134: 3059-3070.

Juenger H, de Haan B, Krägeloh-Mann I, Staudt M, Karnath H-O (2011). Early determination of somatosensory cortex. Cerebral Cortex 21: 1827-1831.
Christensen A, Ilg W, Giese MA (2011). Spatiotemporal tuning of the facilitation of biological motion perception by concurrent motor execution. Journal of Neuroscience 31:3493-3499.

Karnath H-O, Mandler A, Clavagnier S (2011). Object-based neglect varies with egocentric position. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23: 2983-2993.

Karnath H-O, Steinbach JP (2011). Do brain tumours allow valid conclusions on the localisation of human brain functions? – Objections. Cortex 47: 1004-1006.
Pirog Revill K, Karnath H-O, Rorden C (2011). Distinct anatomy for visual search and bisection: a neuroimaging study. Neuroimage 57: 476-481.

Wilke M, de Haan B, Juenger H, Karnath H-O (2011). Manual, semi-automated, and automated delineation of chronic brain lesions: a comparison of methods. Neuroimage 56: 2038-2046.

Pflugshaupt T, Suchan J, Mandler A, Sokolov A, Trauzettel-Klosinski S, Karnath H-O (2011). Do patients with pure alexia suffer from a specific word form processing deficit? Evidence from 'wrods with trasnpsoed letetrs'. Neuropsychologia 49: 1294-1301.

Zündorf IC, Karnath H-O, Lewald J (2011). Male advantage in sound localization at cocktail parties. Cortex 47: 741-749.
Baas U, de Haan B, Grässli T, Karnath H-O, Mueri R, Perrig W, Wurtz P, Gutbrod K (2011). Personal neglect – a disorder of body representation? Neuropsychologia 49: 898-905.

Borchers S, Christensen A, Ziegler L, Himmelbach M (2011). Visual action control doesn’t rely on strangers - effects of pictorial cues under monocular and binocular vision. Neuropsychologia 49: 556-563.
Karnath H-O, Rennig J, Johannsen L, Rorden C (2011). The anatomy underlying acute versus chronic spatial neglect: a longitudinal study. Brain 134: 903-912.

Karnath H-O, Baier B (2010). Anosognosia for hemiparesis and hemiplegia: disturbed sense of agency and body ownership. In: Prigatano GP (ed.) The Study of Anosognosia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 39-62.
Frank B, Groetschel H, Berner M, Schoch B, Hein-Kropp C, Gizewski ER, Ziegler W, Maschke M, Karnath H-O, Timmann D (2010). Aphasia and neglect are uncommon in cerebellar disease: negative findings in a prospective study in acute cerebellar stroke. Cerebellum 9: 556-566.
Baier B, Karnath H-O, Thömke F, Birklein F, Müller N, Dieterich M (2010). Is there a link between spatial neglect and vestibular function at cerebellar level? Journal of Neurology 257: 1579–1581.
De Haan B, Rorden C (2010). Similarity grouping and repetition blindness are both influenced by attention Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 4: 20.
Baier B, Karnath H-O, Dieterich M, Birklein F, Heinze C, Müller NG (2010). Keeping memory clear and stable – the contribution of human basal ganglia and prefrontal cortex to working memory. Journal of Neuroscience 30: 9788-9792.
Huberle E, Karnath H-O (2010). Saliency modulates global perception in simultanagnosia. Experimental Brain Research 204: 595–603.
Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2010). A simple measure of neglect severity. Neuropsychologia 48: 2758–2763.

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Karnath H-O, Baier B (2010). Right insula for our sense of limb ownership and self-awareness of actions. Brain Structure & Function 214: 411-417.
Ticini LF, de Haan B, Klose U, Nägele T, Karnath H-O (2010). The role of temporo-parietal cortex in subcortical visual extinction. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22: 2141-2150.
Huberle E, Driver J, Karnath H-O (2010). Retinal versus physical stimulus size as determinants of visual perception in simultanagnosia. Neuropsychologia 48: 1677-1682.
Becker E, Karnath H-O (2010). Neuroimaging of eye position reveals spatial neglect. Brain 133: 909-914.
Karnath H-O, Borchers S, Himmelbach M (2010). Comment on "Movement intention after parietal cortex stimulation in humans". Science 327: 1200.
Baier B, de Haan B, Mueller N, Thoemke F, Birklein F, Dieterich M, Karnath H-O (2010). Anatomical correlate of positive spontaneous visual phenomena: a voxelwise lesion study. Neurology 74: 218-222.
Karnath H-O (2009). A right perisylvian neural network for human spatial orienting. In: Gazzaniga MS (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences IV. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 259-268.
Goldenberg G, Münsinger U, Karnath H-O (2009). Severity of neglect predicts accuracy of imitation in patients with right hemisphere lesions. Neuropsychologia 47: 2948-2952.

Karnath H-O, Rorden C, Ticini LF (2009). Damage to white matter fiber tracts in acute spatial neglect. Cerebral Cortex 19: 2331-2337.
Zopf R, Fruhmann Berger M, Klose U, Karnath H-O (2009). Perfusion imaging of the right perisylvian neural network in acute spatial neglect. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 3: 15.

Roether CL, Omlor L, Christensen A, Giese MA (2009). Critical features for the perception of emotion from gait. Journal of Vision 9: 15, 1-32.

Saunders DR, Suchan J, Troje NF (2009). Off on the wrong foot: local features in biological motion. Perception 38: 522-532.  
Pflugshaupt T, Gutbrod K, Wurtz P, von Wartburg R, Nyffeler T, de Haan B, Karnath HO, Mueri RM (2009). About the role of visual field defects in pure alexia. Brain 132: 1907-1917.
Ticini LF, Klose U, Nägele T, Karnath H-O (2009). Perfusion imaging in pusher syndrome to investigate the neural substrates involved in controlling upright body position. PLoS ONE 4: e5737.
Fruhmann Berger M, Johannsen L, Karnath H-O (2009). Subcortical neglect is not always a transient phenomenon: evidence from a 1-year follow-up study. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 31: 617-623.
Karnath H-O, Rüter J, Mandler A, Himmelbach M (2009). The anatomy of object recognition – visual form agnosia caused by medial occipitotemporal stroke. Journal of Neuroscience 29: 5854-5862.
Richter S, Brenner E, Karnath H-O (2009). Movement orientation is related to mental rotation in childhood. Developmental Neuropsychology 34: 284-295 .
Himmelbach M, Nau M, Zündorf I, Erb M, Perenin M-T, Karnath H-O (2009). Brain activation during immediate and delayed reaching in optic ataxia. Neuropsychologia 47: 1508-1517.
Gharabaghi A, Kunath F, Erb M, Saur R, Heckl S, Tatagiba M, Grodd W, Karnath H-O (2009). Perisylvian white matter connectivity in the human right hemisphere. BMC Neuroscience 10: 15.
Himmelbach M, Erb, M, Klockgether T, Moskau S, Karnath H-O (2009). fMRI of global visual perception in simultanagnosia. Neuropsychologia 47: 1173-1177.
Rorden C, Fridriksson J, Karnath H-O (2009). An evaluation of traditional and novel tools for lesion behavior mapping. Neuroimage 44: 1355-1362.
Huberle E, Rupek P, Lappe M, Karnath H-O (2009). Perception of global gestalt by temporal integration in simultanagnosia. European Journal of Neuroscience 29: 197-204.
Wick W, Stupp R, Beule A-C, Bromberg J, Wick A, Ernemann U, Platten M, Marosi C, Mason WP, van den Bent M, Weller M, Rorden C, Karnath H-O. (2008). A novel tool to analyse MRI recurrence patterns in glioblastoma. Neuro-Oncology 10: 1019-1024.
Seymour K, Karnath H-O, Himmelbach M (2008). Perceptual grouping in the human brain: common processing of different cues. Neuroreport 19: 1769-1772.
Fruhmann Berger M, Johannsen L, Karnath H-O (2008). Time course of eye and head deviation in spatial neglect. Neuropsychology 22: 697-702.
Staudt M, Ticini LF, Grodd W, Krägeloh-Mann I, Karnath H-O (2008). Functional topography of early periventricular brain lesions in relation to cytoarchitectonic probabilistic maps. Brain and Language 106: 177-183.
Karnath H-O, Suchan J, Johannsen L (2008). Pusher syndrome after ACA territory infarction. European Journal of Neurology 15: e84-e85.
de Haan B, Morgan PS, Rorden C. (2008). Covert orienting of attention and overt eye movements activate identical brain regions. Brain Research 1204: 102-111.
Papageorgiou E, Ticini LF, Hardiess G, Schaeffel F, Wiethoelter H, Mallot HA, Bahlo S, Wilhelm B, Vonthein R, Schiefer U, Karnath H-O (2008). The pupillary light reflex pathway: cytoarchitectonic probabilistic maps in hemianopic patients. Neurology 70: 956-963.
Baier B, Karnath H-O (2008). Tight link between our sense of limb ownership and self-awareness of actions. Stroke 39: 486-488.
Frank B, Schoch, B, Hein-Kropp C, Hövel M, Gizewski ER, Karnath H-O, Timmann D (2008). Aphasia, neglect and extinction are no prominent clinical signs in children and adolescents with acute surgical cerebellar lesions. Experimental Brain Research 184: 511-519.
Papageorgiou E, Hardiess G, Schaeffel F, Wiethoelter H, Karnath H-O, Mallot H, Schoenfisch B, Schiefer U. (2007). Assessment of vision-related quality of life in patients with homonymous visual field defects. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 245: 1749-1758.
Himmelbach M, Karnath H-O (2007). Optic ataxia: a gateway to the human visual action system. In: F Mast, L Jäncke (eds.) Spatial processing in navigation, imagery and perception. New York, Springer, 85-105.
Richter S, Gerwig M, Aslan B, Wilhelm H, Schoch B, Dimitrova A, Gizewski ER, Ziegler W, Karnath H-O, Timmann D. (2007). Cognitive functions in patients with MR-defined chronic focal cerebellar lesions. Journal of Neurology 254: 1193-1203.
Becker E, Karnath H-O. (2007). Incidence of visual extinction after left versus right hemisphere stroke. Stroke 38: 3172-3174.
Goldenberg G, Hermsdörfer J, Glindemann R, Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2007). Pantomime of tool use depends on integrity of left inferior frontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex 17: 2769-2776.
Frank B, Schoch B, Richter S, Frings M, Karnath H-O, Timmann D. (2007). Cerebellar lesion studies of cognitive function in children and adolescents - limitations and negative findings. Cerebellum 6: 242-253.
Himmelbach M, Erb M, Karnath H-O. (2007). Activation of superior colliculi in humans during visual exploraton. BMC Neuroscience 8: 66.
Rorden C, Karnath H-O, Bonilha L. (2007). Improving lesion-symptom mapping. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19: 1081-1088.

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Karnath H-O, Brötz D (2007). Instructions for the Clinical Scale for Contraversive Pushing (SCP). Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair 21: 370-371.
Karnath H-O. (2007). Pusher syndrome - a frequent but little-known disturbance of body orientation perception. Journal of Neurology 254: 415-424.
Himmelbach M, Karnath H-O, Perenin M-T. (2007). Action control is not affected by spatial neglect: a comment on Coulthard et al. Neuropsychologia 45: 1979-1981.
Natale E, Marzi CA, Bricolo E, Johannsen L, Karnath H-O (2007). Abnormally speeded saccadic reactions to ipsilesional targets in patients with spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia 45: 263-272.
Pitchford NJ, Funnell E, de Haan B, Morgan PS (2007). Right hemisphere reading in a case of developmental deep dyslexia. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60: 1187-1196.
2006 etc.
Johannsen L, Fruhmann Berger M, Karnath H-O (2006). Subjective visual vertical (SVV) determined in a representative sample of 15 patients with pusher syndrome. Journal of Neurology 253: 1367-1369.
Himmelbach M, Karnath H-O, Perenin M-T, Franz VH, Stockmeier K. (2006). A general deficit of the 'automatic pilot' with posterior parietal cortex lesions? Neuropsychologia 44: 2749-2756.
Himmelbach M, Erb M, Karnath H-O (2006). Exploring the visual world: the neural substrate of spatial orienting. Neuroimage 32: 1747-1759.
Johannsen L, Broetz D, Karnath H-O (2006). Leg orientation as a clinical sign for pusher syndrome. BMC Neurology 6: 30.
Gharabaghi A, Fruhmann Berger M, Tatagiba M, Karnath H-O (2006). The role of the right superior temporal gyrus in visual search - insights from intraoperative electrical stimulation. Neuropsychologia 44: 2578-2581
Clavagnier S, Fruhmann Berger M, Klockgether T, Moskau S, Karnath H-O. (2006). Restricted ocular exploration does not seem to explain simultanagnosia. Neuropsychologia 44: 2330-2336.
Fruhmann Berger M, Proß RD, Ilg UJ, Karnath H-O (2006). Deviation of eyes and head in acute cerebral stroke. BMC Neurology 6: 23.
Goldenberg G, Karnath H-O (2006). The neural basis of imitation is body part specific. Journal of Neuroscience 26: 6282-6287.
Schindler I, Clavagnier S, Karnath H-O, Derex L, Perenin M-T (2006). A common basis for visual and tactile exploration deficits in spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia 44: 1444-1451.
Johannsen L, Broetz D, Naegele T, Karnath H-O (2006). "Pusher syndrome" following cortical lesions that spare the thalamus. Journal of Neurology 253: 455-463.
Baier B, Karnath H-O (2006). Nichterkennen der eigenen Parese - die Anosognosie der Hemiparese. Aktuelle Neurologie 33: 145-149.
Huberle E, Karnath H-O (2006). Global shape recognition is modulated by the spatial distance of local elements - evidence from simultanagnosia. Neuropsychologia 44: 905-911.
Rorden C, Fruhmann Berger M, Karnath H-O (2006). Disturbed line bisection is associated with posterior brain lesions. Brain Research 1080: 17-25.
Steinbach JP, Blaicher H-P, Herrlinger U, Wick W, Nägele T, Meyermann R, Tatagiba M, Bamberg M, Dichgans J, Karnath H-O, Weller M (2006). Surviving glioblastoma for more than 5 years: the patients' perspective. Neurology 66: 239-242.
Karnath H-O, Dieterich M (2006). Spatial neglect - a vestibular disorder? Brain 129: 293-305.
Zimmer U, Lewald J, Erb M, Karnath H-O (2006). Processing of auditory spatial cues in human cortex: an fMRI study. Neuropsychologia 44: 454-461.
Richter S, Schoch B, Kaiser O, Groetschel H, Hein-Kropp C, Maschke M, Dimitrova A, Gizewski E, Ziegler W, Karnath H-O, Timmann D (2005). Children and adolescents with chronic cerebellar lesions show no clinically relevant signs of aphasia or neglect. Journal of Neurophysiology 94: 4108-4120.
Masdeu JC, Gorelick PB, Karnath H-O, Johannsen L, Broetz D, Küker W (2005). Posterior thalamic hemorrhage induces "pusher syndrome". Neurology 65: 1682.
Altmann CF, Grodd W, Kourtzi Z, Bülthoff HH, Karnath H-O (2005). Similar cortical correlates underlie visual object identification and orientation judgment. Neuropsychologia 43: 2101-2108.
Fruhmann Berger M, Karnath H-O (2005). Spontaneous eye and head position in patients with spatial neglect. Journal of Neurology 252: 1194-1200.
Karnath H-O, Zopf R, Johannsen L, Fruhmann Berger M, Nägele T, Klose U (2005). Normalised perfusion MRI to identify common areas of dysfunction: patients with basal ganglia neglect. Brain 128: 2462-2469.
Karnath H-O, Perenin M-T (2005). Cortical control of visually guided reaching: evidence from patients with optic ataxia. Cerebral Cortex 15: 1561-1569.
Karnath H-O, Baier B, Nägele T (2005). Awareness of the functioning of one's own limbs mediated by the insular cortex? Journal of Neuroscience 25: 7134-7138.
Herrlinger U, Küker W, Uhl M, Blaicher H-P, Karnath H-O, Kanz L, Bamberg M, Weller M (2005). NOA-03 trial of high-dose methotrexate in primary central nervous system lymphoma: final report. Annals of Neurology 57: 843-847.
Broetz D, Karnath H-O (2005). New aspects for the physiotherapy of pushing behaviour. Neurorehabilitation 20: 133-138.
Himmelbach M, Karnath H-O (2005). Dorsal and ventral stream interaction: contributions from optic ataxia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17: 632-640.
Karnath H-O, Johannsen L, Broetz D, Küker W (2005). Posterior thalamic hemorrhage induces "pusher syndrome". Neurology 64: 1014-1019, Erratum 65: 819.
Baier B, Karnath H-O (2005). Incidence and diagnosis of anosognosia for hemiparesis revisited. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 76: 358-361.
Zimmer U, Lewald J, Erb M, Grodd W, Karnath H-O (2004). Is there a role of visual cortex in spatial hearing? European Journal of Neuroscience 20: 3148-3156.
Broetz D, Johannsen L, Karnath H-O (2004). Time course of 'pusher syndrome' under visual feedback treatment. Physiotherapy Research International 9: 138-143.
Rorden C, Karnath H-O (2004). Using human brain lesions to infer function - a relic from a past era in the fMRI age? Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5: 813-819.
Karnath H-O, Fruhmann Berger M, Küker W, Rorden C (2004). The anatomy of spatial neglect based on voxelwise statistical analysis: a study of 140 patients. Cerebral Cortex 14: 1164-1172.
Johannsen L, Karnath H-O (2004). How efficient is a simple copying task to diagnose spatial neglect in its chronic phase? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 26: 251-256.
Karnath H-O, Fruhmann Berger M, Zopf R, Küker W (2004). Using SPM normalization for lesion analysis in spatial neglect. Brain 127: e10.
Karnath H-O, Broetz D (2003). Understanding and treating "pusher syndrome". Physical Therapy 83: 1119-1125.
Johannsen L, Ackermann H, Karnath H-O (2003). Lasting amelioration of spatial neglect by treatment with neck muscle vibration even without concurrent training. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 35: 249-253.
Himmelbach M, Karnath H-O (2003). Goal-directed hand movements are not affected by the biased space representation in spatial neglect. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 15: 972-980.
Karnath H-O, Zihl J (2003). Disorders of spatial orientation. In: Brandt T, Caplan LR, Dichgans J, Diener HC, Kennard C (eds.) Neurological Disorders: Course and Treatment. 2. Auflage. San Diego, Academic Press, 277-286.
Karnath H-O, Himmelbach M, Perenin M-T (2003). Neglect-like behaviour in healthy subjects: dissociation of space exploration and goal-directed pointing following vestibular stimulation. Experimental Brain Research 153: 231-238.
Zimmer U, Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2003). Disturbed sound lateralization in patients with spatial neglect. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 15: 683-693.
Niemeier M, Karnath H-O (2003). Stimulus-driven and voluntary saccades are coded in different coordinate systems. Current Biology 13: 585-589.
Karnath H-O, Himmelbach M, Küker W (2003). The cortical substrate of visual extinction. NeuroReport 14: 437-442, Erratum 14: 1189.
Ferber S, Karnath H-O (2003). Friedrich Best's case Z with misidentification of object orientation. In: C Code, C-W Wallesch, Y Joanette, AR Lecours (eds.) Classic Cases in Neuropsychology, Vol. II. East Sussex, Psychology Press, 191-198.
Niemeier M, Karnath H-O (2002). The exploration of space and objects in neglect. In: H-O Karnath, AD Milner, G Vallar (eds.) The Cognitive and Neural Bases of Spatial Neglect. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 101-118.
Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2002). The effect of whole-body tilt on sound lateralization. European Journal of Neuroscience 16: 761-766.
Schindler I, Kerkhoff G, Karnath H-O, Keller I, Goldenberg G (2002). Neck muscle vibration induces lasting recovery in spatial neglect. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 73: 412-419.
Karnath H-O, Johannsen L, Broetz D, Ferber S, Dichgans J (2002). Prognosis of contraversive pushing. Journal of Neurology 249: 1250-1253.
Karnath H-O, Zimmer U, Lewald J (2002). Impaired perception of temporal order in auditory extinction. Neuropsychologia 40: 1977-1982.
Niemeier M, Karnath H-O (2002). Simulating and testing visual exploration in spatial neglect based on a new model for cortical coordinate transformation. Experimental Brain Research 145: 512-519.
Karnath H-O, Himmelbach M (2002). Strategies of lesion localization - Reply to Marshall, Fink, Halligan and Vallar. Cortex 38: 258-260.
Karnath H-O, Niemeier M (2002). Task-dependent differences in the exploratory behaviour of patients with spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia 40: 1577-1585.
Karnath H-O, Reich E, Rorden C, Fetter M, Driver J (2002). The perception of body orientation after neck-proprioceptive stimulation: effects of time and of visual cueing. Experimental Brain Research 143: 350-358.
Brötz D, Götz A, Müller H, Karnath H-O (2002). Physiotherapeutische Diagnostik und Therapie der Pusher-Symptomatik. Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten 54: 365-376.
Ferber S, Karnath H-O (2002). Neglect-Tests im Vergleich - welche sind geeignet ? Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 13: 39-44.
Karnath H-O, Himmelbach M, Rorden C (2002). The subcortical anatomy of human spatial neglect: putamen, caudate nucleus, and pulvinar. Brain 125: 350-360.
Ferber S, Karnath H-O (2001). How to assess spatial neglect - line bisection or cancellation tasks ? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 23: 599-607.
Karnath H-O (2001). New insights into the functions of the superior temporal cortex. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2: 568-576.
Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2001). Sound lateralization during passive whole-body rotation. European Journal of Neuroscience 13: 2268-2272.
Karnath H-O, Ferber S, Himmelbach M (2001). Spatial awareness is a function of the temporal not the posterior parietal lobe. Nature 411: 950-953.
Bottini G, Karnath H-O, Vallar G, Sterzi R, Frith CD, Frackowiak RSJ, Paulesu E (2001). Cerebral representations for egocentric space: functional-anatomical evidence from caloric vestibular stimulation and neck vibration. Brain 124: 1182-1196.
Ferber S, Karnath H-O (2001). Size Perception in hemianopia and neglect. Brain 124: 527-536.
Rorden C, Karnath H-O, Driver J (2001). Do neck-proprioceptive and caloric-vestibular stimulation influence covert visual attention in normals, as they influence visual neglect? Neuropsychologia 39: 364-375.
Karnath H-O, Brötz D, Götz A (2001). Klinik, Ursache und Therapie der Pusher-Symptomatik. Nervenarzt 72: 86-92.
Karnath H-O, Ferber S, Dichgans J (2000). The neural representation of postural control in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 97: 13931-13936.
Karnath H-O, Ferber S, Dichgans J (2000). The origin of contraversive pushing - Evidence for a second graviceptive system in humans. Neurology 55: 1298-1304.
Jäncke L, Himmelbach M, Shah NJ, Zilles K (2000). The effect of switching between sequential and repetitive movements on cortical activation. Neuroimage 12: 528-537.
Karnath H-O, Konczak J, Dichgans J (2000). Effect of prolonged neck muscle vibration on lateral head tilt in severe spasmodic torticollis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 69: 658-660.
Karnath H-O, Ferber S, Rorden C, Driver J (2000). The fate of global information in dorsal simultanagnosia. Neurocase 6: 295-306.
Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2000). Vestibular influence on human auditory space perception. Journal of Neurophysiology 84: 1107-1111.
Karnath H-O, Ferber S, Bülthoff HH (2000). Neuronal representation of object orientation. Neuropsychologia 38: 1235-1241.
Niemeier M, Karnath H-O (2000). Exploratory saccades show no direction-specific deficit in neglect. Neurology 54: 515-518.
Jäncke L, Peters M, Himmelbach M, Nösselt T, Shah J, Steinmetz H (2000). fMRI study of bimanual coordination. Neuropsychologia 38: 164-74.
Ferber S, Karnath H-O (1999). Parietal and occipital lobe contributions to perception of straight ahead orientation. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 67: 572-578.
Konczak J, Himmelbach M, Perenin M-T, Karnath H-O (1999). Do patients with neglect show abnormal hand velocity profiles during tactile exploration of peripersonal space? Experimental Brain Research 128: 219-223.
Lewald J, Karnath H-O, Ehrenstein WH (1999). Neck-proprioceptive influence on auditory lateralization. Experimental Brain Research 125: 389-396.
Karnath H-O, Ferber S (1999). Is space representation distorted in neglect ? Neuropsychologia 37: 7-15.
Karnath H-O (1999). Spatial orientation and the representation of space with parietal lobe lesions. In: N Burgess, KJ Jeffery, J O'Keefe (eds.) The Hippocampal and Parietal Foundations of Spatial Cognition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 50-66.
Karnath H-O, Fetter M, Niemeier M (1998). Disentangeling gravitational, environmental and egocentric reference frames in spatial neglect. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 10: 680-690.
Karnath H-O, Niemeier M, Dichgans J (1998). Space exploration in neglect. Brain 121: 2357-2367.
Karnath H-O (1998). Perception of horizontal distances in patients with spatial neglect. Experimental Brain Research 123: 190-191.
Konczak J, Karnath H-O (1998). Kinematics of goal-directed arm movements in neglect: control of hand velocity. Brain and Cognition 37: 387-403.
Karnath H-O, Perenin M-T (1998). Tactile exploration of peripersonal space in patients with neglect. Neuroreport 9: 2273-2277.
Ferber S, Bahlo S, Ackermann H, Karnath H-O (1998). Vibration der Nackenmuskulatur als Therapie bei Neglectsymptomatik ? - Eine Fallstudie. Neurologie & Rehabilitation 4: 21-24.
Taylor JG, Jäncke L, Shah NJ, Nösselt T, Schmitz N, Himmelbach M, Kalenscher T, Müller-Gärtner HW (1998). A three stage model of awareness: formulation and initial experimental support. Neuroreport 9: 1787-92.
Jäncke L, Specht K, Mirzazade S, Loose R, Himmelbach M, Lutz K, Shah NJ (1998). A parametric analysis of the 'rate effect' in the sensorimotor cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis in human subjects. Neuroscience Letters 252: 37-40.
Karnath H-O (1997). Spatial orientation and the representation of space with parietal lobe lesions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 352: 1411-1419.
Karnath H-O, Dick H, Konczak J (1997). Kinematics of goal-directed arm movements in neglect: Control of hand in space. Neuropsychologia 35: 435-444.
Karnath H-O (1997). Neural encoding of space in egocentric coordinates ? - Evidence for and limits of a hypothesis derived from patients with parietal lesions and neglect. In: P Thier, H-O Karnath (eds.) Parietal Lobe Contributions to Orientation in 3D Space. Heidelberg, Springer, 497-520.
Rorden C, Mattingley JB, Karnath H-O, Driver J (1997). Visual extinction and prior entry: Impaired perception of temporal order with intact motion perception after unilateral parietal damage. Neuropsychologia 35: 421-433.
Karnath H-O, Goldenberg G, Ziegler W (eds.) Klinische Neuropsychologie - Kognitive Neurologie. Stuttgart, Thieme-Verlag, 2014.
Karnath H-O, Thier P (eds.) Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. 3rd ed. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2012.
Karnath H-O, Thier P (eds.) Neuropsychologie. 2nd ed. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
Karnath H-O, Hartje W, Ziegler W (eds.) Kognitive Neurologie. Stuttgart, Thieme-Verlag, 2006.
Karnath H-O, Thier P (eds.) Neuropsychologie. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
Karnath H-O, Milner AD, Vallar G (eds.) The Cognitive and Neural Bases of Spatial Neglect. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002.
Thier P, Karnath H-O (eds.) Parietal Lobe Contributions to Orientation in 3D Space. Heidelberg, Springer, 1997.
Karnath H-O, Schenk T et al. (2023). Diagnostik und Therapie von Neglect und anderen Störungen der Raumkognition. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie (eds.) Leitlinien für Diagnostik und Therapie in der Neurologie. Online:
Rähder M, Karnath H-O (2021). Neuropsychologische Begutachtung nach leichtem Schädelhirntrauma: Aggravation, Simulation oder reale Defizite? -- Herr W., 39 Jahre. In: TM Ortner & KD Kubinger (eds.) Psychologische Diagnostik in Fallbeispielen. Göttingen, Hogrefe, 639-657.
Karnath H-O, Zihl J, Schenk T (2018). Neglect und andere räumliche Orientierungsstörungen. In: H-C Diener, C Gerloff , M Dieterich (eds.) Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen. 7. Auflage. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 282-292.
Karnath H-O, Zihl J, et al. (2017). S1-Leitlinie Rehabilitation bei Störungen der Raumkognition. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie (eds.) Leitlinien für Diagnostik und Therapie in der Neurologie. Online:
Karnath H-O (2014). Anosognosie. In: H-O Karnath, G Goldenberg, W Ziegler (eds.) Klinische Neuropsychologie −Kognitive Neurologie. Stuttgart, Thieme-Verlag, 265-271.
Karnath H-O, Brötz D (2014). Pusher-Syndrom. In: H-O Karnath, G Goldenberg, W Ziegler (eds.) Klinische Neuropsychologie −Kognitive Neurologie. Stuttgart, Thieme-Verlag, 213-222.
Karnath H-O (2014). Neglect. In: H-O Karnath, G Goldenberg, W Ziegler (eds.) Klinische Neuropsychologie −Kognitive Neurologie. Stuttgart, Thieme-Verlag, 198-212.
Himmelbach M (2013). Der Mensch denkt - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der bildgebenden Hirnforschung. In: J Audretsch, K Nagorni (eds.) Der Mensch und sein Gehirn. Karlsruhe, Evangelische Akademie Baden, 12-68.
Karnath H-O, Zihl J (2012). Neglect und andere räumliche Orientierungsstörungen. In: T Brandt, HC Diener, C Gerloff (eds.) Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen. 6. Auflage. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 257-264.
Karnath H-O, Zihl J (2012). Rehabilitation bei Störungen der Raumkognition. In: HC Diener, C Weimar et al. (eds.) Leitlinien für Diagnostik und Therapie in der Neurologie. 5. Auflage. Stuttgart, Thieme, 1144-1149.
Driver J, de Haan B (2012). Störungen der Aufmerksamkeit. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. 3. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 341-352.
Perenin M-T, Himmelbach M (2012). Optische Ataxie. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. 3. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 389-402.
Karnath H-O (2012). Bálint-Holmes-Syndrom. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. 3. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 293-304.
Karnath H-O (2012). Neglect. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. 3. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 279-291.
Karnath H-O (2012). Pusher-Syndrom. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. 3. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 273-278.
Karnath H-O (2012). Anosognosie. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. 3. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 201-213.
Karnath H-O (2012). Agnosie von Objektorientierungen. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. 3. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 173-178.
Büchel C, Karnath H-O, Thier P (2012). Methoden der Kognitiven Neurowissenschaften. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. 3. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 9-32.
Himmelbach M (2011). Störungsspezifische Therapie: Optische Ataxie. In: D Nowak (ed.) Handfunktionsstörungen in der Neurologie. Heidelberg, Springer, 353-355.
Himmelbach M (2011). Störungsspezifische Diagnostik: Optische Ataxie. In: D Nowak (ed.) Handfunktionsstörungen in der Neurologie. Heidelberg, Springer, 151-154.
Karnath H-O, Baier B (2010). Anosognosia for hemiparesis and hemiplegia: disturbed sense of agency and body ownership. In: GP Prigatano (ed.) The Study of Anosognosia. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 39-62.
Karnath H-O (2009). A right perisylvian neural network for human spatial orienting. In: MS Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences IV.Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 259-268.
Karnath H-O (2009). Vernachlässigung – Neglect. In: W Sturm, M Herrmann, TF Münte (eds.) Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie. 2. Auflage. Heidelberg, Spektrum-Verlag, 444-452.
Karnath H-O, Zihl J (2008). Rehabilitation bei Störungen der Raumkognition. In: HC Diener, N Putzki et al. (eds.) Leitlinien für Diagnostik und Therapie in der Neurologie. 4. Auflage. Stuttgart, Thieme, 953-959.
Karnath H-O (2008). Neglect. In: S Gauggel, M Herrmann (eds.) Handbuch der Psychologie - Handbuch der Neuro- und Biopsychologie. Göttingen, Hogrefe, 547-556.
Karnath H-O, Zihl J (2007). Räumliche Orientierungsstörungen. In: T Brandt, J Dichgans, HC Diener (eds.) Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen. 5. Auflage. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 305-313.
Büchel C, Karnath H-O, Thier P (2006). Methoden der Kognitiven Neurowissenschaften. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. 2. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 7-29.
Karnath H-O (2006). Agnosie von Objektorientierungen. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. 2. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 139-144.
Karnath H-O (2006). Die Pusher-Symptomatik. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. 2. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 206-211.
Karnath H-O (2006). Neglect. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. 2. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 212-224.
Karnath H-O (2006). Bálint-Holmes Syndrom. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. 2. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 225-236.
Kammer T, Karnath H-O (2006). Manifestationen von Frontalhirnschädigungen. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. 2. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 489-500.
Karnath H-O (2006). Anosognosie. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. 2. Auflage. Heidelberg, Springer, 565-575.
Himmelbach M, Karnath H-O (2006). Optische Ataxie. In: Karnath H-O, Hartje W, Ziegler W (eds.) Kognitive Neurologie. Stuttgart, Thieme, 144-147.
Karnath H-O (2006). Neglect. In: Karnath H-O, Hartje W, Ziegler W (eds.) Kognitive Neurologie. Stuttgart, Thieme, 148-158.
Karnath H-O, Brötz D (2006). Pusher-Symptomatik. In: Karnath H-O, Hartje W, Ziegler W (eds.) Kognitive Neurologie. Stuttgart, Thieme, 159-167.
Karnath H-O (2006). Anosognosie. In: Karnath H-O, Hartje W, Ziegler W (eds.) Kognitive Neurologie. Stuttgart, Thieme, 210-215.
Karnath H-O, Zihl J (2005). Störungen der Raumkognition. In: C-W Wallesch (ed.) Neurologie. 1. Auflage. München, Urban & Fischer, 219-227.
Karnath H-O, Zihl J (2003). Räumliche Orientierungsstörungen. In: T Brandt, J Dichgans, HC Diener (eds.) Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen. 4. Auflage. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 278-286.
Karnath H-O (2003). Anosognosie. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. Heidelberg, Springer, 601-613.
Karnath H-O, Kammer T (2003). Manifestationen von Frontalhirnschädigungen. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. Heidelberg, Springer, 515-528.
Karnath H-O (2003). Bálint-Holmes Syndrom. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. Heidelberg, Springer, 231-242.
Karnath H-O (2003). Neglect. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. Heidelberg, Springer, 217-230.
Karnath H-O (2003). Die Pusher-Symptomatik. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. Heidelberg, Springer, 209-215.
Karnath H-O (2003). Agnosie von Objektorientierungen. In: H-O Karnath, P Thier (eds.) Neuropsychologie. Heidelberg, Springer, 133-138.
Karnath H-O, Sturm W (2002). Störungen von Planungs- und Kontrollfunktionen. In: W Hartje, K Poeck (eds.) Klinische Neuropsychologie. 5. Auflage. Stuttgart, Thieme, 393-411.
Karnath H-O (2002). Anosognosie. In: W Hartje, K Poeck (eds.) Klinische Neuropsychologie. 5. Auflage. Stuttgart, Thieme, 361-371.
Karnath H-O (2002). Neglect. In: W Hartje, K Poeck (eds.) Klinische Neuropsychologie. 5. Auflage. Stuttgart, Thieme, 334-360.
Karnath H-O (2000). Vernachlässigung - Neglect. In: W Sturm, M Herrmann, C-W Wallesch (editors) Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie. Lisse, Swets & Zeitlinger, 366-374.
Karnath H-O (1999). Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen. In: HC Hopf, G Deuschl, HC Diener, H Reichmann (eds.) Neurologie in Praxis und Klinik, Band I. Stuttgart, Thieme, 174-176.
Karnath H-O (1999). Neglect. In: HC Hopf, G Deuschl, HC Diener, H Reichmann (eds.) Neurologie in Praxis und Klinik, Band I. Stuttgart, Thieme, 177-180.
Zihl J, Karnath H-O (1998). Zerebrale Sehstörungen. In: T Brandt, J Dichgans, HC Diener (eds.) Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 226-236.
Karnath H-O, Hartje W (1997). Neglect - Symptomatik, Diagnostik, Anatomie und Erklärungskonzepte. In: HJ Markowitsch (eds.) Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Band C/I/2 - Klinische Neuropsychologie. Göttingen, Hogrefe, 91-154.
Openings Neuropsychologische Ambulanz
