
year title
 "Geschichten und Bilder der Arbeit in der deutschen Kinderliteratur 1945-1989. Mit einem Ausblick auf Entwicklungen seit 1990" (with Jörg Meibauer) International Conference, "Andere Arbeit", internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, University of Vienna, January 24th.
 "Kriegstagebücher und Friedenssehnsucht. Neue Aspekte zum autobiografischen und kinderliterarischen Werk von Astrid Lindgren" International Conference, "Astrid Lindgren und der Zweite Weltkrieg", University of Munich, November 21st.
 "Narrating energy: How picturebooks engaged children in knowledge about coal, oil, gas, and the atom" (with Jörg Meibauer) International Conference, "Verbal and visual strategies in nonfiction picturebooks", University of Bergen, September 26th.
 "Being silent about the truth. Exploring 'I ballong över Stilla havet' by Mats Wahl" (with Jörg Meibauer) International Conference, IRSCL, "Silence and Silencing in Children's Literature", University of Stockholm, August 17th.
 "Back to the fifties: How children's literature in divided Germany reflected the past and constructed the future" (with Jörg Meibauer) Panel "Silencing the Past, Constructing the Future: Children's Literature in Post-War Societies, 1945-1960" (organized by Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer & Jörg Meibauer)International Conference, IRSCL, "Silence and Silencing in Children's Literature", University of Stockholm, August 15th.
 "The most splendid guy of ancient history': Facts and fiction on Spartacus on leftist German children's literature" International Conference, "Our Mythical History", University of Warsaw, May 24th.
 "Falling out of the Canon: The Forgotten History of German Avant-Garde Literature for Children" Keynote lecture, international Conference, "Beyond the Canon of Children's Literature", University of Zadar, May 9th.
 "Multiple Levels of Meaning in Texts and Images: Actual German Picturebook Versions of the Grimms' Fairytales" International Conference, Europa illustriert die Grimms, International Youth Library, Munich, March 1st.
 "Truth, fiction and propaganda. Narrating historical events in GDR children's literature" (with Jörg Meibauer) International Conference, "Lying and Related Fiction", University of Freiburg, February 15th.
 "Poetische Propaganda? Daniel und der Weltmeist in Film und Buch" (with Jörg Meibauer), International Conference, "Von Pionieren und Piraten. Der DEFA-Kinderfilm in seinen kulturhistorischen, filmästhetischen und ideologischen Dimensionen", University of Halle, February 7th.
 "Cognitive Challenges of Challenging Picturebooks" (with Jörg Meibauer), International Workshop, University of Oslo, December 6th.
 "Aftermath. Pacifist children's lyrics in interwar Germany" (with Jörg Meibauer), International Conference, "Radical Aesthetics in Children's Literature", University of Stockholm, November 15th.
 "From Baby Books to Picturebooks for Adults: New Trends in Picturebook Art" International Conference, 140th anniversary of the University of Tomsk, University of Tomsk, October 18th.
 "Was Kinder von Bilderbüchern lernen können" (with Jörg Meibauer), International Conference, 140th anniversary of the University of Tomsk, University of Tomsk, October 16th.
 "Materiality Matters" (with Jörg Meibauer), International Conference, "Synergy and Contradiction. How Picturebooks and Picture Books Work" Homerton College, Cambridge, September 8th.
 "What Goes on in Other People's Minds? Rethinking Empathy through Children's Literature" plenary talk, International Summer School on Children's Literature, University of Antwerp, July 2nd.
 "How radical was children's literature in the German Democratic Republic? Socialist children's literature between radicalism and dogmatism" (with Jörg Meibauer), international conference, "The Uses of Children's Literature in Political Contexts", University of Gotenburg, June 13th.
 "Pioneer, Tractor Driver, Brigade. How Soviet concepts influenced socialist realism in GDR children's literature" (with Jörg Meibauer), International Conference, Russian Institute for Literature, Pushkin House, St. Petersburg June 7th.
 "Children's Literature Research Meets Classical Studies" International Workshop of the Our Mythical Childhood Network, Unversity of Warsaw, May 15th.
 "Children's Literature and the Avant-Garde" guest lecture, University of Qingdao, April 10th.
 "What Goes on in Strangers' Minds? Rethinking Empathy through Young Adult Literature" guest lecture, University of Qingdao, April 9th.
 "The Impact of Digital Media on Children's and Young Adult Literature" guest lecture, University of Qingdao, April 4th.
 "Learning from Picturebooks. On the Connection between Early Literacy and the Child's Cognitive, Linguistic, and Narrative Development" (with Jörg Meibauer)guest lecture, University of Qingdao, April 3rd.
 "Maps in Picturebooks. Cognitive Status and Narrative Function" (with Jörg Meibauer)guest lecture, University of Qingdao, April 2nd.
 "The Idea of a Better World. Photographs of Children by Chim, Anna Riwkin-Brick, and Tim Gidal", international conference, "The Empathy of an Outsider - A Symposium on the Photography of Chim (David Seymour)", University of Tel Aviv, November 21st.
 "Kriegstagebücher und Friedenssehnsucht. Neue Aspekte zum autobiografischen und kinderliterarischen Werk von Astrid Lindgren", workshop, "Astrid Lindgren: Kriegstagebücher und Friedenssehnsucht, Maternushaus, Erzbistum Köln, November 10th.
 "Political indoctrination and anti-authoritarian ideas: leftist picturebooks in Germany after 1968", international conference, "1968 and the boundaries of childhood", University of Tours, October 13th.
 "Wer einmal lügt … Die erstaunliche Karriere einer Fabel Äsops in der Kinderliteratur", international conference, "Griechisch-römische Mythologie und Historie in Kinder- und Jugendmedien der Gegenwartskultur", University of Munich, October 7th.
 "The project of a ‚socialist city': The depiction of the urban space in GDR picturebooks ", (with Jörg Meibauer) international picturebook conference,"Home and Lived-in Spaces in Picturebooks from the 1950s to the Present", University of Padua, September 29th.
 "Picturebooks as Objects. Exploring Cognitive Aspects of Materiality", (with Jörg Meibauer)international workshop "Materiality in Picturebooks", Koc University, Istanbul, June 9th.
 "The Utopia of an Ideal Community: Reconsidering the Myth of Atlantis in James Gurney's Dinotopia Novels", international conference "Our Mythical Hope in Children's and Young Adults' Culture... The (In)efficacy of Ancient Myths in Overcoming the Hardships of Life", University of Warsaw, May 19th.
 ""O du lustiges Leben". Die Wald-Bilderbücher von Adolf Holst", (with Jörg Meibauer)conference "Adolf Holst Symposium", Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv Bückeburg, March 17th.
 "Gruppierte Charaktere. Visuelle und narrative Konfigurationen im Bilderbuch", (with Jörg Meibauer)conference "Aktuelle Tendenzen der Bilderbuchforschung", University of Bremen, February 14th.
 "Picturebooks and Cognitive Development. How Ruthie Acquires Honesty", (with Jörg Meibauer)international workshop "What Difference Does the Picturebook Make", University of Oslo, December 14th.
 ""Marked messages indicate marked situation." 'Challenging picturebooks' and neo-Gricean pragmatics", (with Jörg Meibauer)international workshop, "Implicatures across Genres", University of Tübingen, November 25th.
 "Der moderne deutsche Jugendroman. Wandel und Tendenzen", invited lecture, Kakuin Kwansai University, Osaka, September 12th.
 "From Baby Books to Picturebooks for Adults. Recent Trends in the European Picturebook Market", guest lecture at National Diet Library, Tokyo, September 3rd.
 "On the Trail of Pan. From the Eternal to the Strange Child", international conference "Chasing the Mythical Beasts", University of Warsaw, May 14th.
 "'Keines zu klein Helfer zu sein'. Das deskriptive Bilderbuch der DDR zwischen Information and Propaganda", (with Jörg Meibauer), conference "Wissensvermittlung in Sachbüchern der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der DDR - Themen, Formen, Strukturen, Methoden der Forschung", University of Chemnitz, March 11th.
 "Unerwartete Wendung und ironische Distanz: unzuverlässiges Erzählen und antike Mythen in der modernen Kinderliteratur", international conference "Verjüngte Antike im Mediendialog. Transformationen griechisch-römischer Mythologie und Historie in Kinder- und Jugendmedien der Moderne und Gegenwartskultur", University of Munich, October 6th.
 "Cuteness and Rudeness in Military Picturebooks", (with Jörg Meibauer), international conference "Picturebooks, Democracy and Social Change", University of Gdansk, September 18th.
 "Theorizing the Visual Archive", international Summer School "Children's Literature and the Archive", University of Newcastle, August 8th.
 "Pitying evil children? Rethinking empathy through children's literature", international conference "Literature and Empathy", University of Göttingen, July 11th.
 "Kognitive Erwerbsprozesse und Kinderliteratur: Lügen im Kinderbuch", colloquium on Linguistics and Children's Literature, University of Mainz, June 5th.
 "The Unique Feature of Picturebooks", keynote lecture, University of Belo Horizonte, April 1st.
 "What Can Children Learn from Reading Children's Books?", keynote lecture, University of Belo Horizonte, March 30th.
 "Metaphorical Maps in Picturebooks", (with Jörg Meibauer), international conference "Maps in Children's Literature", University of Bergen, March 12th.
 "How Do Children's Books Support Early Literacy?", international conference "Reading Cultures and Enriched Libraries", under the auspices of the Turkish Ministry of Education, Afyon, February 18th.
 "Visual Literacy - Anforderungen an den Deutschunterricht", PhD workshop, University of Education, Freiburg, November 27th.
 "Ohne Anfang und Ende. Zirkuläres und mäanderndes Erzählen in textlosen Bilderbüchern", workshop "Mediale Zeitenwende. Interdisziplinäre Forschungsansätze zu Formierung und Wirkung des "narrative turn" in visuellen Narrationen", University of Cologne, November 14th.
 "Canon and Avant-garde. A paradoxical relationship", international conference "Canon Constitution and Canon Change in Children's Literature", University of Tübingen, September 11th.
 "Unreliable Narration in Children's Films", international conference "Spotlight on European Children's Films", University of Erfurt, June 18th.
 "Literarische Kartographien zwischen Fakt und Fiktion", (with Jörg Meibauer), symposium "Die Vermessung der Sachbuchwelt", International Youth Library, Munich, May 22nd.
 "Court Cases in Children's Literature", symposium "Cognitive Criticism and Children's Literature", University of Cambridge, May 3rd.
 "Von Bilderbüchern lernen. Vom Zusammenspiel von Literacy und Kinderliteratur", symposium "Bild - Wort - Schrift", organized by the Arbeitskreis für Jugendliteratur, Book Fair Leipzig, March 15th.
 "Vorlesen und Redewiedergabe", (with Jörg Meibauer), conference "Sprachliches Lernen durch Vorlesen", University of Bochum, February 21st.
 "Muss man 'schlimme Wörter' aus der Kinderliteratur entfernen?", (with Jörg Meibauer), conference "Wörter raus? Tagung zur Debatte um eine diskriminierungsfreie Sprache im Kinderbuch", PH Karlsruhe, November 15th.
 "Maps in Picturebooks. Cognitive Status and Narrative Functions", (with Jörg Meibauer,)international conference "Text, Image, Ideology. Picturebooks as Meeting Places, University of Stockholm, September 14th.
 "Survival of the Fittest? Adaptation as a Means for Literary Socialisation in Children's Literature", roundtable at the 21st conference of IRSCL, "Children's Literature and Media Cultures", University of Maastricht, August 13rd.
 "Paratexts in Children's Media", 21st conference of IRSCL, "Children's Literature and Media Cultures", University of Maastricht, August 13rd.
 "Manga Hybrids in Contemporary Picturebooks", international conference "Visual / Verbal Texts", University of Winnipeg, June 26th.
 "Orpheus and Eurydice. Reception of Classical Myths in International Children's Literature", international conference "Our Mythical Childhood. Classics and Children's Literature between West and East", University of Warsaw, Mai 25th.
 "Childhood and Modernist Art", international conference "From the Strange to the Wondrous. 100 Years of 'The Strange Adventures of Hlapíc the Apprentice'", University of Slavonski Brod, April 19th.
 "Zwischen Exotismus und Nostalgie. Der Blick auf das Fremde in Photobilderbüchern für Kinder", 26th conference of the SAGV, North West University Potchefstroom, March 27th.
 "Fremdheit als Konzept der Romantik. Die internationale Rezeption von E.T.A. Hoffmanns "Das fremde Kind" (1817)", guest lecture, University of Stellenbosch, March 19th.
 "Vom Knisterbuch zum Bilderbuch für Erwachsene. Tendenzen auf dem europäischen Bilderbuchmarkt", guest lecture, University of Siegen, November 5th.
 "Buch für Buch in die Welt der Sprache. Wie der kindliche Spracherwerb durch Bücher beeinflusst wird", (with Jörg Meibauer), workshop, Südtiroler Kulturinstitut Bozen, October 18th.
 "Just what is it that makes pop art picturebooks so different, so appealing?", international conference "Children's Literature and European Avant-Garde", University of Norrköping, September 27th.
 "Visuelle Narrationen. Erzählimpulse im integrativen Deutschunterricht", workshop "Sprachliches und literarisches Lernen in der Migrationsgesellschaft", University of Bochum June 1st.
 "Nicht nur ein Roman für Kinder. Die Biene Maja als Crossover Literatur", lecture series "100 Jahre Biene Maja", University of Tübingen, May 3rd.
 "How do picturebooks suppport the conceptual development of children?" [with Jörg Meibauer], international conference "Literacy under the focus of language and cognitive development", University of Bielefeld, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, March 22nd.
2011 "Visuelle Reisen. Mehrsprachige Bilderbücher im Unterricht", workshop "Umgang mit Kinderliteratur im Klassenzimmer: Fragen nach Mehrsprachigkeit und Übersetzungen", University of Siegen, November 15th.
 'Gericht wollen wir halten!' Recht und Gerechtigkeit in Anna Maria Jokls 'Die Perlmutterfarbe'", international conference, "'Hieroglyphe der Epoche?' Zum Werk der österreichisch-jüdischen Autorin Anna Maria Jokl (1911-2011)", University of Vienna, October 22, 2011.
 (with Jörg Meibauer) "Unterstanding the Matchstick Man", international conference, "History and Theory of the Picturebook", University of Tübingen, September 22, 2011.
  "Childhood and the Discourse about Primitivism: The Impact of the Negritude Movement on Avant-Garde Children's Books", international conference, "Children's Media and Post-Colonialism: Historical Aspects", University of Maastricht, August 18, 2011.
 "Bilder verstehen. Die Bedeutung visueller Codes im (mehrsprachigen) Bilderbuch", workshop, "Mehrsprachigkeit und Kinderliteratur", University of Mannheim, June 10, 2011.
  "Paratexte im Kinderfilm", conference, "Paratext und Illustration", University of Education Karlsruhe, June 4, 2011.
  "Fremdheit als poetisches Konzept der Romantik. Die internationale Rezeption von E.T.A. Hoffmanns 'Das fremde Kind'" , guest lecture, Sorbonne, Paris, April 8th
 "Paratext und Parafilm im Kinderfilm" , conference, "Der moderne Kinderfilm: filmwissenschaftliche und filmdidaktische Perspektiven", University of Tübingen, March 18th.
 "The Vampire Strikes Back: Eine kulturkritische Perspektive" , conference, "Der Vampir in den Kinder- und Jugendmedien", University of Siegen, February 17th.
 "(De)Canonization Processes: E.T.A. Hoffmann's 'The Nutcracker and the Mouse King' and the Interfaces between Children's and Adult Literature" , invited keynote speaker, international conference, "Adaptation and Canonization in Children's Literature", University of Ghent, January 20th.
2010 "Manga/comic hybrid forms in picturebooks" , international conference, "Intercultural Crossovers, Transcultural Flows: Manga/Comics", Cultural Institute of Japan, Cologne, October 1st.
 "Lügenerwerb und Geschichten vom Lügen" [with Jörg Meibauer], workshop "Spracherwerb und Kinderliteratur", University of Mainz, September 23rd.
 "Emotional Turns and Changes of Perspectives: the Strange Worlds of Christopher Boone, Eric Poole, and Steffen" , international conference, "The Emergent Adult: Adolescent Literature and Culture", University of Cambridge, September 4th.
 "Dädalus und Ikarus. Mythenrezeption in der Kinderliteratur" , guest lecture, University of Cologne, July 12th.
  "Picturebooks and Pop Art" , guest lecture, University of Lund, May, 3rd.
 "Autobiographisches Erzählen in der Kinderliteratur" , guest lecture at the University of Gothenburg, April, 21st.
 "Mehrsprachigkeit und Kinderliteratur" , conference "LNU Europe as part of Linnaeus University's 100 first days", Linnaeus University Växjö/Kalmar, April, 20th.
  "The Idea of a Better World. Astrid Lindgren's and Anna Riwkin-Bricks photobooks for children" , guest lecture at the Astrid Lindgren Research Center, Näs, April, 14th.
 "Scandinavia and World Literature for Children" , guest lecture at the Swedish Children's Book Institute, Stockholm, April, 7th.
 "Globalisierung in der Kinderliteratur: ein deutsch-schwedischer Vergleich" , guest lecture at the University of Stockholm, April, 6th.
 "Strangeness as a Concept in Children's Literature: Transgressing Borders with Pop Art Picturebooks" , guest lecture at the Linnaeus University Växjö/Kalmar, March, 25th.
 "Early Concept Books: The Joint Relationship between Visual Literacy, Language Acquisition and Literary Competence" , guest lecture at the Danish Children's Book Center, University of Copenhagen, March, 11th.
 "With Her Feet on the Pillows: Illustrations of Pippi Longstocking in Ten Countries" , guest lecture at Linnaeus University Växjö/Kalmar, March, 10th.
 "Die Brüder Löwenherz - phantastisches Erzählen in Literatur und Film" , conference on Astrid Lindgren's films, University of Düsseldorf in cooperation with the film museum Düsseldorf, January, 23rd.
2009 "Picturebooks and Pop Art: Transgressing the Boundaries of the 'Good' Picturebook" [with Jörg Meibauer], international conference, "Beyond Borders. Art, Narrative and Culture in Picturebooks", University of Glasgow, September, 20th.
 "Children's Literature and Pan-Africanism: 'Petits contes nègres pour les enfants des blancs', 'Popo and Fifina' and 'Cuentos negros de Cuba'", 19th Biennial Conference of IRSCL, "Children's Literature and Cultural Diversity", University of Francfort, August, 12th.
  "Early Concept Books: Acquiring Verbal Concepts" [with Jörg Meibauer], international conference, "Children's Books from 0 to 3: Where Literacy Begins", Picturebook Museum Burg Wissem, Troisdorf, March, 19th.
2008 "Intermediality as a new approach to Astrid Lindgren's work" [with Astrid Surmatz], international conference, "Astrid Lindgren: Internationality and Intermediality", University of Växjö, September, 18th.
  "Avantgarde im Bilderbuch: El Lissitzky, Kurt Schwitters, Käte Steinitz", guest lecture, University of Cologne, June, 20th.
  "Kinderliteratur und künstlerische Avantgarde in Europa", international conference, "Europa? Europa!", University of Ghent, May, 29th.
2007 "Romantic Images of Childhood in Jewish Children's Literature", international conference, "Judaism and the Child", University of Antwerp, December, 12th.
  "How autobiographical stories become picturebooks", international conference, "Cognitive and Aesthetic Aspects of Picturebooks", Autonomous University of Barcelona, September, 27th.
  "Jüdische Kinderliteratur: Geschichte, Traditionen, Perspektiven", inaugural speech, University of Tübingen, September, 10th.
  "Von der Ur-Pippi zur Pippi Langstrumpf", conference, "100 Jahre Astrid Lindgren", Catholic Academy of Hamburg, September, 7th.
  "Autobiographisches Schreiben bei Astrid Lindgren", conference, "100 Jahre Astrid Lindgren", Catholic Academy of Hamburg, September, 7th.
  "Early Concept Books: the Joint Relationship between Language Acquisition, Visual Literacy and Emergent Literacy", 15th European Conference of the Association of Reading, "Checkpoint Literacy", Humboldt-University, Berlin, August, 5th.
  "Jüdische Kinderliteratur", inaugural speech, Gymnasium Andreanum Hildesheim, June, 26th.
  "Mit den Füßen auf dem Kopfkissen. Pippi Langstrumpf-Illustrationen aus sieben Ländern", guest lecture, University of Freiburg, June, 20th
  "Der Blick auf das Fremde: Astrid Lindgrens und Anna Riwkin-Bricks Fotobilderbücher", 20th annual conference of the German Society for Children's Literature Research, "Astrid Lindgren", University of Erfurt, June, 8th.
  "The Vanished Land of Childhood: Autobiographical Narration in Astrid Lindgren's Work", Astrid Lindgren Centennial Conference, "The Liberated Child - Childhood in the Works of Astrid Lindgren", University of Stockholm, May, 30th.
  "How autobiographical stories become picturebooks" (key note lecture), international conference, "Visualizing the Child in Children's Fiction", University of Lvov, Ukraine, April, 11th.
  "Memory and Identity: the Influence of Autobiographical Narration on Tove Jansson's Work", international conference, "Tove Jansson", University of Oxford, March, 24th.
  "Achterbahn der Gefühle und Perspektivenwechsel: Die sonderbare Welt von Christopher Boone, Eric Poole und Steffen", conference, "Empathie in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur", Catholic Academy "Die Wolfsburg", Essen, February, 24th.
2006 "Erste Bilder, frühe Konzepte: Erste-Konzepte-Bücher", conference, "Siehst du das? Tagung zur Bildwahrnehmung", Institute for Children's Literature and Media, Zürich, September, 29th.
  "Crosswriting und Mehrfachadressiertheit: Fußnoten in kinderliterarischen Texten", international conference, "Am Rande bemerkt. Fußnoten in der Literatur", University of Erfurt, June, 30th.
  "Jüdische Kinderliteratur: Geschichte, Autoren, Werke", opening lecture, public library of Rüsselsheim, June, 7th.
2005 "Gute Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Beispiele und Kriterien", guest lecture, Leibnizgymnasium Wiesbaden, December, 8th.
  "Autobiographische Erinnerungen in der Kinderliteratur", guest lecture, public library of Rüsselsheim, November, 2nd.
  "Trends und Tendenzen in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur", guest lecture, Children's Book Week, Tübingen, October, 25th.
  "Klassische Mythologie als Prätext in der modernen Kinderliteratur", PONTES IV-Symposium "Die Darstellung der Antike in der Alltagskultur der Gegenwart", University of Berne, September, 29th.
  "Jüdische Kinderliteratur", inaugural speech, public library of Mainz, September, 15th
  "Learning to Lie and Stories of Lying" [with Jörg Meibauer], 17th Biennial Congress of IRSCL, "Expectations and Experiences: Children, Childhood and Children's Literature", Trinity College, Dublin, August, 15th.
  "Jüdische Kinderliteratur: Geschichte, Traditionen, Perspektiven", guest lecture, Literaturhaus Villa Clementine, Wiesbaden, May, 3rd.
  "Crosswriting: Schnittstellen zwischen Kinder- und Erwachsenenliteratur", conference, "Querdenken - Querlesen", University of Freiburg, January, 28th.
2004 "(De)Canonizing Processes: the Representation of Children's Literature in German Literary Histories", international symposium, "Nineteenth-Century Children's Literature: History and Research", Danish Children's Book Institute, Copenhagen, November, 20th.
  "Variety in Genres and Styles: Tendencies in Modern German Children's Literature", key note lecture, inauguration of a children's book exhibition at the National Library of Reykjavik, October, 12th.
  "Erste Bilder. Frühe Konzepte. Kleinkindbilderbücher und der Zusammenhang zwischen Sprach-, Bild- und Literaturerwerb", guest lecture, University of Hamburg, July, 14th.
  "Entwicklungen und Tendenzen in der amerikanischen Kinderliteratur der Gegenwart", guest lecture, American Children's Book Week, Cologne, March, 8th.
2003 "First Pictures. Early Concepts. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Babybooks"[with Jörg Meibauer], 16th Biennial Conference of IRSCL, "Shaping a World - Retelling a World", Agder College, Kristiansand, August, 11th.
  "Erste Bilder. Frühe Konzepte. über den Zusammenhang von Sprach-, Literatur- und Bilderwerb beim Kleinkindbilderbuch"[with Jörg Meibauer], 16th Annual Conference of the German Society for Children's Literature Research, "Bild - Text - Sprache", Kronberg, June, 21st.
  "Vielfalt der Stile und Genres: Tendenzen der modernen englischen Kinderliteratur", guest lecture, British Children's Book Week, Cologne, March, 10th.
2002 "Hermann Hesse, ein Jugend-Autor?", lecture, University of Tübingen, June, 12th
  "(De)Kanonisierungsprozesse. Wandel in der Kinderliteraturkritik von 1780 bis zur Gegenwart", 15th Annual Conference of the German Society for Children's Literature Research, "Historischer Wandel des kinder- und jugendliterarischen Handlungssystems", Kronberg, May, 15th.
  "Laudatio auf Cornelia Krutz-Arnold", speech on the occasion of the presentation of the "Special Prize for Translation in the Field of Children's Literature", international book fair, Leipzig, March, 4th.
2000 "Wozu brauchen Kinder Kanonkompetenz? Überlegungen zu einer Theorie des Kinderliteraturkanons", 13th Symposium Deutschdidaktik, University of Freiburg, October, 16th.
  "Der Dschungel im Text. Kiplings 'Dschungelbücher' und das Prinzip der asymmetrischen Intertextualität", 13th Annual Conference of the German Society for Children's Literature Research, "Der Leser im Text", Bensberg, June, 12th.
1999 "Autobiographische Erinnerungen in internationalen klassischen Kinderbüchern", keynote lecture, 50th Jubilee of the International Youth Library, Munich, September, 16th.
  "Textnetze. Intertextualität in der Kinderliteratur", Symposium, "Intertextualität in der Kinderliteratur", Söchau, Austria, August, 23rd.
  "Überlegungen zu einer Theorie des Kinderliteratur-Kanons", 12th annual conference of the German Society for Children's Literature Research, "Autoritat der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur - Autorität in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur", Kronberg, June 4th.
  "Nationale und internationale Kanonbildung als Gegenstand einer kinderliterarischen Komparatistik", International Erich Kästner Conference, University of Francfort, January, 17th.
1996 "Geschlecht und Charakter in der Kinderliteratur", guest lecture, University of Applied Studies, Heidelberg, December, 10th.
  "Irony in Picturebooks": the Relationship between Text and Illustration", 20th Congress of the International Federation of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Regensburg, August, 20th.
1995 "Das fremde Kind: eine intertextuelle Analyse von E.T.A. Hoffmann, Astrid Lindgren und Peter Pohl", guest lecture, University of Umeå, September, 7th.
  The Status of Sequels in Children's Literature: 'The Long Secret' and 'Beyond the Chocolate War', 12th Conference of the IRSCL, University of Stockholm, September, 3rd.
  "Philosophie in 'Sofies Welt'. Der Welterfolg von Jostein Gaarder", guest lecture, Norwegian Cultural Week, Tübingen, June, 11th.
  'Venner verden over'. Der Beitrag der norwegischen Kinderliteratur zur Völkerverständigung", conference, "Kinder- und Jugendliteratur in Europa: 1940-1960", University of Bayreuth, June, 10th.
1994 "Identität, Neutralität, Transgression: Drei Typen der Geschlechterperspektivierung in der Kinderliteratur", 7th Annual Conference of the German Society of Children's Literature Research, "Geschlechterrollen. Geschlechtersozialisation. Zur Darstellung der Geschlechter in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur", Falkenstein, June, 2nd.
1987 "Märchenthematik in Alfred Döblins Roman 'Hamlet oder Die lange Nacht nimmt ein Ende'", International Alfred Döblin Conference, "Alfred Döblin im Exil", University of Lausanne, June, 14th.
1986"Durch die Wissenschaft abgetan? Zur Märchenproblematik in Musils 'Mann ohne Eigenschaften", Robert Musil Conference, "Robert Musils 'Kakanien' - Subjekt und Geschichte", University of Klagenfurt, August, 27th.

[ © 2009 by Dirk Bauer ] [ Stand: 25. März 2020  ]