Other Activities


Actions in Science...

2003 - 2006: Member of the NeNa-Conference (Neurowissenschaftliche Nach- wuchskonferenz) organizer team

Since 2010: Member of "The Generation 30" Serial at the SpiegelOnline Video Homepage


Since 2012: Eye Tracker Model - to see here: hr-online "Alles Wissen"

Since 2012: Blogger about and around science and university:  an0und0aussichten

Since 2009: proud owner of a Nikon D90 and Nikon D610

- watch EyeEm    | 'My Bests (to buy)'

- watch dawawas | 'Makro Erlebnisse'
- watch dawawas | 'Best Shots'
- watch dawawas | 'Brasil 2014'
- watch dawawas | 'Panoramas'

   PD Dr. Gregor Hardiess - Cognitive Neuroscience - Tübingen University